Prosjekt Norge Digitalisation
Project Norway (Prosjekt Norge) is owned by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), with several other groups acting as academic partners. In addition, all state development agencies are partners, together with contractors, consulting companies and the Oil and Gas sector. Project Norway is set up as a national centre of expertise for the development of future project processes through research and knowledge sharing. The centre’s ambition is that project-based industries in Norway will be at the forefront internationally in value-creating and cost-effective project execution.
Its purpose is to initiate research and establish arenas for knowledge and experience sharing between academia, agencies such as asset owners and the business sector as suppliers within project-oriented activities. The project has a goal to support the continuous improvement of project execution among its partners by contributing to:
- Better and common development processes with our partners
- Create professional development in collaboration with the partners
- Create increased quality and added value for the partners
- Invite new developments through collaboration across the sectors
- Link the development of new knowledge more closely with project managers and owners.
Digitalisation is about establishing a basis for automatic information exchange between people, systems and machines. It’s about creating an information ecosystem where all systems’ generated information is utilised to streamline and optimise all processes. Project Norway is working to identify how digitalisation will help the Norwegian construction industry. Digitalisation will provide new opportunities to leverage available information to:
- Streamline and automate processes
- Optimise and foster development
- Share available information in order to take act faster and improve processes
- Share available information in order to improve analysis and decision-making.
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