Plan BIM Peru is the programme supported and promoted by the Peru Ministry of Economy & Finance (MEF) for the successful adoption of BIM Methodologies in public infrastructure investment throughout the country. Within the framework of Plan BIM Peru, BIM is defined as a collaborative work methodology for the management of public investment information, which makes use of an information model created by the parties involved, to facilitate multi-year programming, formulation, design, construction, operation and maintenance of public infrastructure, ensuring a reliable basis for decision-making. BIM does not only refer to the use of technological tools. Its main objective is to ensure efficient information management. BIM is essential for the planning and execution of an investment, from the definition of asset requirements to the end of their use, covering their conception, development, operation, maintenance and disposal.
Plan BIM Peru is the policy measure that defines the national strategy for the progressive implementation of the adoption and use of BIM in the processes of the phases of the investment cycle developed by entities and public companies subject to the National System of Multiannual Programming and Investment Management, in an articulated and concerted manner, and in coordination with the private sector and academia. Plan BIM Peru was born as a political measure of the National Competitiveness and Productivity Plan, recognizing the need to modernize and digitize the systems for the formulation and evaluation, execution and operation of investment projects. The resources on the website help with the implementation of BIM.
Instructions for Completing the MIDP
An archive version of this information article has been created if the original is no longer accessible (Archive information from January 2024)
Plan BIM Peru is the programme supported and promoted by the Peru Ministry of Economy & Finance (MEF) for the successful adoption of BIM Methodologies in public infrastructure investment throughout the country. Within the framework of Plan BIM Peru, BIM is defined as a collaborative work methodology for the management of public investment information, which makes use of an information model created by the parties involved, to facilitate multi-year programming, formulation, design, construction, operation and maintenance of public infrastructure, ensuring a reliable basis for decision-making. BIM does not only refer to the use of technological tools. Its main objective is to ensure efficient information management. BIM is essential for the planning and execution of an investment, from the definition of asset requirements to the end of their use, covering their conception, development, operation, maintenance and disposal.
Plan BIM Peru is the policy measure that defines the national strategy for the progressive implementation of the adoption and use of BIM in the processes of the phases of the investment cycle developed by entities and public companies subject to the National System of Multiannual Programming and Investment Management, in an articulated and concerted manner, and in coordination with the private sector and academia. Plan BIM Peru was born as a political measure of the National Competitiveness and Productivity Plan, recognizing the need to modernize and digitize the systems for the formulation and evaluation, execution and operation of investment projects. The resources on the website help with the implementation of BIM.
Instructions for Completing the OIR
An archive version of this information article has been created if the original is no longer accessible (Archive information from January 2024)
Plan BIM Peru is the programme supported and promoted by the Peru Ministry of Economy & Finance (MEF) for the successful adoption of BIM Methodologies in public infrastructure investment throughout the country. Within the framework of Plan BIM Peru, BIM is defined as a collaborative work methodology for the management of public investment information, which makes use of an information model created by the parties involved, to facilitate multi-year programming, formulation, design, construction, operation and maintenance of public infrastructure, ensuring a reliable basis for decision-making. BIM does not only refer to the use of technological tools. Its main objective is to ensure efficient information management. BIM is essential for the planning and execution of an investment, from the definition of asset requirements to the end of their use, covering their conception, development, operation, maintenance and disposal.
Plan BIM Peru is the policy measure that defines the national strategy for the progressive implementation of the adoption and use of BIM in the processes of the phases of the investment cycle developed by entities and public companies subject to the National System of Multiannual Programming and Investment Management, in an articulated and concerted manner, and in coordination with the private sector and academia. Plan BIM Peru was born as a political measure of the National Competitiveness and Productivity Plan, recognizing the need to modernize and digitize the systems for the formulation and evaluation, execution and operation of investment projects. The resources on the website help with the implementation of BIM.
Instructions for Completing the PIR
An archive version of this information article has been created if the original is no longer accessible (Archive information from January 2024)
Plan BIM Peru is the programme supported and promoted by the Peru Ministry of Economy & Finance (MEF) for the successful adoption of BIM Methodologies in public infrastructure investment throughout the country. Within the framework of Plan BIM Peru, BIM is defined as a collaborative work methodology for the management of public investment information, which makes use of an information model created by the parties involved, to facilitate multi-year programming, formulation, design, construction, operation and maintenance of public infrastructure, ensuring a reliable basis for decision-making. BIM does not only refer to the use of technological tools. Its main objective is to ensure efficient information management. BIM is essential for the planning and execution of an investment, from the definition of asset requirements to the end of their use, covering their conception, development, operation, maintenance and disposal.
Plan BIM Peru is the policy measure that defines the national strategy for the progressive implementation of the adoption and use of BIM in the processes of the phases of the investment cycle developed by entities and public companies subject to the National System of Multiannual Programming and Investment Management, in an articulated and concerted manner, and in coordination with the private sector and academia. Plan BIM Peru was born as a political measure of the National Competitiveness and Productivity Plan, recognizing the need to modernize and digitize the systems for the formulation and evaluation, execution and operation of investment projects. The resources on the website help with the implementation of BIM.
Instructions for Completing the Responsibilities Matrix
An archive version of this information article has been created if the original is no longer accessible (Archive information from January 2024)
Plan BIM Peru is the programme supported and promoted by the Peru Ministry of Economy & Finance (MEF) for the successful adoption of BIM Methodologies in public infrastructure investment throughout the country. Within the framework of Plan BIM Peru, BIM is defined as a collaborative work methodology for the management of public investment information, which makes use of an information model created by the parties involved, to facilitate multi-year programming, formulation, design, construction, operation and maintenance of public infrastructure, ensuring a reliable basis for decision-making. BIM does not only refer to the use of technological tools. Its main objective is to ensure efficient information management. BIM is essential for the planning and execution of an investment, from the definition of asset requirements to the end of their use, covering their conception, development, operation, maintenance and disposal.
Plan BIM Peru is the policy measure that defines the national strategy for the progressive implementation of the adoption and use of BIM in the processes of the phases of the investment cycle developed by entities and public companies subject to the National System of Multiannual Programming and Investment Management, in an articulated and concerted manner, and in coordination with the private sector and academia. Plan BIM Peru was born as a political measure of the National Competitiveness and Productivity Plan, recognizing the need to modernize and digitize the systems for the formulation and evaluation, execution and operation of investment projects. The resources on the website help with the implementation of BIM.
Instructions for Completing the TIDP
An archive version of this information article has been created if the original is no longer accessible (Archive information from January 2024)
Plan BIM Peru is the programme supported and promoted by the Peru Ministry of Economy & Finance (MEF) for the successful adoption of BIM Methodologies in public infrastructure investment throughout the country. Within the framework of Plan BIM Peru, BIM is defined as a collaborative work methodology for the management of public investment information, which makes use of an information model created by the parties involved, to facilitate multi-year programming, formulation, design, construction, operation and maintenance of public infrastructure, ensuring a reliable basis for decision-making. BIM does not only refer to the use of technological tools. Its main objective is to ensure efficient information management. BIM is essential for the planning and execution of an investment, from the definition of asset requirements to the end of their use, covering their conception, development, operation, maintenance and disposal.
Plan BIM Peru is the policy measure that defines the national strategy for the progressive implementation of the adoption and use of BIM in the processes of the phases of the investment cycle developed by entities and public companies subject to the National System of Multiannual Programming and Investment Management, in an articulated and concerted manner, and in coordination with the private sector and academia. Plan BIM Peru was born as a political measure of the National Competitiveness and Productivity Plan, recognizing the need to modernize and digitize the systems for the formulation and evaluation, execution and operation of investment projects. The resources on the website help with the implementation of BIM.
Instructions for Skills and Comptences Assessment
An archive version of this information article has been created if the original is no longer accessible (Archive information from January 2024)
Plan BIM Peru is the programme supported and promoted by the Peru Ministry of Economy & Finance (MEF) for the successful adoption of BIM Methodologies in public infrastructure investment throughout the country. Within the framework of Plan BIM Peru, BIM is defined as a collaborative work methodology for the management of public investment information, which makes use of an information model created by the parties involved, to facilitate multi-year programming, formulation, design, construction, operation and maintenance of public infrastructure, ensuring a reliable basis for decision-making. BIM does not only refer to the use of technological tools. Its main objective is to ensure efficient information management. BIM is essential for the planning and execution of an investment, from the definition of asset requirements to the end of their use, covering their conception, development, operation, maintenance and disposal.
Plan BIM Peru is the policy measure that defines the national strategy for the progressive implementation of the adoption and use of BIM in the processes of the phases of the investment cycle developed by entities and public companies subject to the National System of Multiannual Programming and Investment Management, in an articulated and concerted manner, and in coordination with the private sector and academia. Plan BIM Peru was born as a political measure of the National Competitiveness and Productivity Plan, recognizing the need to modernize and digitize the systems for the formulation and evaluation, execution and operation of investment projects. The resources on the website help with the implementation of BIM.
Master Information Delivery Plan (MIDP) Template
An archive version of this information article has been created if the original is no longer accessible (Archive information from January 2024)
Technical standards for BIM mostly describe the writing of certain data and information, and are not intended for general users, but rather for authors of software tools and a group of experts in the field. An exception however, is the CSN EN ISO 19650 standards, which describe processes and data handling. The standard serves as a guide for refining procedures so that the data generated meets the expectations of those who needed it. This Application Guide for ISO 19650 has been written and published by the Czech National Standards body CSN.
The set of technical standards CSN EN ISO 19650 is intended for all persons and organizations involved in the whole life cycle of the construction .Historically, it is customary that Czech technical standards are written directly as a guide. In this case, it is necessary to consider that the standards taken over from international participants are not specific guidelines, but principles and rules. Specific implementation and use, setting up your own processes, documents and the forms are up to the user or are subject to further specification at national level. This guide will explain the aspects of how ISO19650 should be applied to projects.
The obligation to use BIM when awarding public contracts for construction projects has not yet been made binding on the contracting authorities by legislation. The BIM Concept implies that from the so-called decisive date (originally 1 January 2022), contracting authorities awarding contracts will have above-limit public works contracts, including contracts for related pre-design and design services the obligation to award such a public contract using the BIM
The methodology in this document focuses mainly on defining the basic procurement processes so that they can be applied to BIM, considering effective cooperation within information models. Thanks to the methodological activities of the ?AS agency, the contracting authority will have a sufficient range of standards at its disposal, and cooperation processes within BIM will thus be built on a unified and standardsied basis .
It is obvious that if contracting authorities want to cooperate regularly and steadily with quality suppliers and enable them to deliver quality, they need to change their approach. When evaluating tenders we need to reduce the pressure on the bid price and give room for quality. In the Czech environment, no universal bid evaluation model has yet been reliably enforced. There are also no bid evaluation standards for specific industries of intellectually demanding services (typically eg IT consulting, software development and delivery). This situation is long-term and has its objective reasons, consisting mainly in the current very strict view of review bodies (whether by the Office, courts or grant providers) on qualitative evaluation, as well as a total lack of methodological support to develop good practice.
In the spirit of other methodological activities of the ?AS agency, this document also builds on the already existing methodological documents. This document explains the methodology of public procurement using BIM, in connection with the evaluation of bids, especially for the evaluation of bids according to a ranking system for construction works and services, which was developed for the State Fund for Transport Infrastructure (SFDI).