Detailed instructions on applying Building Information Modeling (BIM) to construction projectscivil and urban technical infrastructure compiled by the Institute of Construction Economics, Ministry of Constructionpublished within the framework of the project on application of Building Information Modeling (BIM) inconstruction activities and construction management and operation according to Decision No. 2500/QD-TTg datedDecember 22, 2016 of the Prime Minister.
In this Guide, some more specific contents are clarified on how to create BIM Models in civil works (houses, offices, headquarters, …) and urban technical infrastructure works (related to traffic, supply and drainage, water).
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General guidance on the application of BIM, developed by the Institute of Economics. The Ministry of Construction announced it within the framework of the Scheme on BIM in construction activities, management and operations, according to Decision No. 2500/QD-TTg dated 22/12/2016 by the Prime Minister.
This guide is for relevant agencies, organizations and individuals to refer to when implementing BIM in construction investment projects. The Guide provides the basic principles and content for implementing and applying BIM in Vietnam.
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Public institution “Skaitmenine statyba” (“Digital Construction“) is an organization that joins associations of Lithuanian construction sector and coordinates the digitalization process of Lithuanian construction.
Content Index for Universal BIM Guide. As part of a BIM adoption programme it is often useful to provide guidance to the organisation, industry and supply chain on how to adopt and deliver BIM using you technical framework. The introduction of a BIM Guide can provide further detail on any national level implementation of BIM but offer more specific detail around the organisations sector and project type. This document outlines the potential contents for a successful BIM guide, discussing the elements which should be considered in its development.
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Delivery team’s BEP Template. The Delivery team’s BEP is delivered collaboratively by the appointed parties responsible for the project delivery. It responds the the appinting parties requirements and sets out how the project will be delivered from an information management perspective. Following the guidance document provided, this template gives you a structured document with headings and tables which can be completed with your specific requirements. Used in conjunction with the guidance and the questions prompted, the template can be populated to develop an post-appointment BEP. This template is provided as a starting point, articlating the main points expected in a BEP, sections can be added, removed and modified to suit your specific requirements.
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Exchange Information Requirements Guidance. The EIR document forms a key part of the BIM process for project delivery, outlining the specific methods, formats and procedures for how information should be shared between parties. The EIR should form part of the contractural documents for the project and be issued to the delivery team as part of the project procurement. This EIR Guidance document walks you through the stages of defining the project goals and objectives, the need for information, and the standards methods and procedures to be used on the project.
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The MIDP (Master Information Delivery Plan) template is provided to support projects in managing the information and documentation required for that specific project. This template, provided in Excel format, should only be used in leu of the ability to create an interactive Gantt chart. The MIDP should be developed from a series of task information delivery plans (TIDP) for the project prepared by individual task team managers and setting out the responsibility for each specific information deliverable. The MIDP collates the separate task information delivery plans, and aligns them with the design and construction programmes.
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National Annex Guidance. As part of a national level adoption of BIM the technical framework for BIM delivery needs to be considered. In most cases the adoption of the International standard, ISO 19650 is a key part of the national technical framework for BIM. As part of the process of adopting an ISO standard at the national level an annex to the standard should be considered. The National annex addition to the standard gives additional, country specific detail and context. This can also include the localisation of terminology used where this differes to the ISO terms. This guidance document has been specifically created to support the creation of a national annex aligned to ISO 19650. The guidance documents the areas of the standard which can have additional country specific context applied and some suggestions for these sections.
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National Annex Template. As part of the process of adopting an ISO standard at the national level an annex to the standard should be considered. The National annex addition to the standard gives additional, country specific detail and context. Following the guidance document provided, this template gives you a structured document with headings which can be completed with your specific requirements. Used in conjunction with the guidance, the template can be populated to develop an initial national annex. This template is provided as a starting point, articlating the main points expected in an annex, sections can be added, removed and modified to suit your specific requirements.
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Organizational Information Requirements Guidance. The OIR forms the top of the information heiracy for defining your project requirements. As defined in ISO 19650, the OIR is a document which influences the subsequent information requirements (AIR, PIR, EIR) and project information deliverables (AIM, PIM) of the delivery phase of an asset. This guidance document is set out to help an organisation consider the information it needs to support its strategic objectives and setting out clear information requirements for those involved in the delivery or operation of an asset.
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