Institut BIM Indonesia (iBIMi) is a non-profit organisation that started as an initiative of activists, practitioners and academics in the field of Design Modelling and BIM in Indonesia. iBIMi is presented as a platform to encourage the adaptation of BIM use in Indonesia through advocacy of BIM guidelines, protocols and technical instructions for all organisations and stakeholders.
iBIMi has also a mission to support the academic field to develop human resources that are ready to adapt BIM methods in the Indonesian Engineering and Construction Architecture industry.
The website contains details about the organisation as well as information and news articles related to recent work that iBIMi has undertaken. There is also a member registration page to request updates.
BIM Croatia (BIM Hrvatska) is a non-profit association that was founded in 2018 with the main goal of expanding and encouraging the national application of BIM. BIM Croatia brings together professionals of the Croatian construction industry, including engineers with many years of experience in the application of BIM in the design, construction and management of buildings. Given the many wide applications and technologies that support BIM, clear rules and procedures need to be set.
This was the guiding thought of the founders of the association, who want to contribute to the implementation of BIM in Croatia through their own experience. BIM Croatia contributes to its implementation by setting standards through different professions, jobs and software. It also advises, educates, encourages and informs. In view of these goals, the establishment of a citizens’ association as a non-profit and independent entity has emerged as the best way to achieve this.
The goals of BIM Croatia are:
- Initiating changes in the way buildings are planned and constructed, how they are used and managed using the BIM approach.
- Information on the construction industry, especially regarding BIM access.
- Encouraging and accelerating the implementation of BIM in construction.
- Increasing the competitiveness of the construction industry in domestic and foreign markets.
- Connecting professionals with domestic and international organisations, investors and companies.
- Standardisation of the application of BIM and the encouragement of better cooperation in construction.
Mideplan is the governing body of the National Planning System. It is a strategic institution of the Costa Rican Government that promotes improvement in public management as detailed in the National Development and Public Investment Plan 2019-2022.
In February, Mideplan launched the National BIM Strategy. The Ministry of the Presidency, through the office of the First Lady, promotes the adoption of this methodology in the country. The coordination of the implementation is overseen by the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Policy (Mideplan), through the Pre-investment Fund with the technical cooperation of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) for the development of the national work plan.
IBIMI is an association of professionals who aim to spread the digitalisation methods and professionalism of the international construction industry in Italy. BIM (Building Information Modelling) was introduced in public works in Italy with the Law 50/2016, based on the European Directive 24/2014. By 2025 all public works in Italy will have to be planned, executed and managed through BIM.
The association is a national and international reference point for the promotion of Open BIM is the ability of all professionals involved in the design, construction, management, maintenance and disposal of a building and civil infrastructure, to integrate with each other. This will allow the sharing and exchange of technical data through the use of interoperable software based on international standards.
The BICP (BIM Innovation Capability Programme) has pulled together a selection of case studies in order to share current knowledge and lessons learnt on BIM projects. A number of case studies, focusing on best practice affecting BIM on Irish projects in the Irish and international markets, are provided. The BICP aims to release a case study bi-monthly.
BIM case studies are grouped under the following headings:
- Design- Focused
- Construction Focused
- Client/Facilities Management Focused
- SME Focused.
The BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP) was set up by the Construction IT Alliance (CitA) and Enterprise Ireland to support BIM adoption in Ireland. The BICP seeks to capture the capability of the Irish Construction Industry and the Higher Education Institutes to respond to the increased requirement for BIM in Irish construction and engineering projects. The outputs of BICP will seek to influence the strategic use of BIM by key clients and procurement policy makers in Ireland.
BICP’s website presents the current work of the programme, as well as hosting many resources and links related to the adoption of BIM in Ireland. It also contains details of the BICP programme including the four work packages: Information Gathering, Consultation, In-depth Analysis and Disseminate Findings.
The Austrian Federal Chamber of Commerce (Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, WKO) functions as the federal parent organisation for the nine State Chambers and 110 trade associations for different industries within Austria’s economy. The WKO provides representation of membership interests at all levels of government. By law, governments are obliged to consult with Chambers on legislative projects and important regulation. In many laws a provision is made to involve Chambers in decision-making and administrative procedures.
The WKO’s website provides access to a study conducted by the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology and the Construction Office on the subject of the “Potential of digitization in the building industry”, looking at the benefits that BIM can bring. The website also contains several documents, videos and links to the local buildingSMART chapter, all of which provide additional information about current BIM adoption in Austria.
The BIM Advisory Board was established by the Australasian Procurement and Construction Council (APCC) and the Australian Construction Industry Forum (ACIF), together with the key standard-setting bodies, NATSPEC, buildingSMART and Standards Australia. They have produced a number of resources, including a guide to the adoption of BIM. Two recent Australian Government reports (SmartICT and the Australian Infrastructure Report) recommended an integrated approach between government, industry and researchers for the development of BIM in Australia.
The Australasian Advisory Board’s membership consists of those organisations who have a pivotal role to play in influencing and leading the adoption and changes required for the optimum delivery of construction projects through BIM. It is a team of experts from government construction policy agencies, peak construction associations and standard setting bodies who share their valuable knowledge, skill and experience to set goals and deliver on the Advisory Board’s strategic direction.
The BIM Advisory Board has defined the strategic framework for BIM in Australia. Its vision includes improved productivity and asset outcomes. It is hoped to be achieved by the Board’s strategy to take a leadership and coordinating role in the consistent adoption of BIM and associated integration and collaborative processes. The website contains a download link to the strategic framework.
Smart Built Environment is a strategic innovation programme for how the public construction sector can contribute to Sweden’s journey towards becoming a global pioneer country that realises the new opportunities that digitalisation brings. Digitisation is one of the biggest societal changes ever. The Smart Built Environment programme implements a unique and long-term investment to develop more sustainable and integrated ways of building, with a vision of sustainable community building and maximum user benefit through efficient information management and industrial processes with digitalisation as a driving force.
A common information infrastructure is the key to change. An uninterrupted flow of information with business-driven applications in BIM, GIS and industrial processes creates benefits for companies, users and society. The unique thing about this programme is precisely the integration between BIM, GIS and industrial processes, which increases the potential to take advantage of all the possibilities of digitalisation. The efforts in the programme include research, development and innovation. They handle the digital infrastructure, business-driven applications in companies/organisations and integration of the processes. The programme creates new knowledge, skills, services and products, with all current information shared on the website.
BIM Alliance Sweden is a sector-driven, non-profit association that works for better community building with the help of BIM and digital structured information management. The Alliance has a vision and purpose of promoting a digital uninterrupted flow of information through all processes in the public construction sector. This will be done by working for the implementation, research and development of digital processes for information and open standards among all stakeholders, as well as for competence in the area. The Alliance aims to drive the social changes needed for digital transformation and renewed business logic, to promote a positive and sustainable development in planning, construction and management.
The BIM Alliance Sweden’s board has identified seven strategic areas that are crucial in the coming years:
- Information dissemination / network
- Information standards
- Processes / organisation
- Law / procurement
- Research and Development
- Training
- Environment.
The website contains the latest information around current news, membership, projects and other documentation useful for the adoption of BIM.