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The BIM Entity Information Matrix is a document that displays the IFC parameters required in a project in a standardized structure. It’s based on the Veteran Affairs Object Element Matrix and includes the main concepts from the BIM Standard for Public Projects: Type of Information (Tipo de Información, TDI) and Level of Information (Nivel de Información or NDI. AIA and BIM Forum USA definition).

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Mibim is an open, self-assessment web platform to measure the BIM maturity level of an organization. The core pillars of the BIM implementation considered in Mibim are: Strategy, Processes, People, and Technology. At the end of the evaluation, the platform provides a report with key findings and recommendations.

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e+bim is a project that seeks to train students of Technical Professional high schools (Educaciãn Media Tãcnico Professional or EMTP) in BIM, and allows them to have their first work experience through an internship period in AECO companies that work with BIM methodology. The initiative is led by the Ministry of Education and Planbim, and supported by private organizations, educational foundations and several AECO companies.

This video explains how the integration of BIM requirements with the online building permits platform called DOM en Línea, which is one of Planbim’s goals for 2025, is being designed and developed. The automated evaluation of projects’ compliance with urban requirements using IFC files will give DOM workers more time to review more complex aspects of projects, and assure projects comply with urban regulations.

u003ciframe width=u0022200u0022 height=u0022113u0022 src=u0022 frameborder=u00220u0022 allow=u0022accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-pictureu0022 allowfullscreen title=u0022Integración de BIM a plataforma DOM en Líneau0022u003eu003c/iframeu003e

BIM Integration with DOM en Línea

u003cpu003eLearn how the integration of BIM requirements with the online building permits platform called DOM en Línea is being designed and developed.u003c/pu003e

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Introduction to BIM Methodology is an open, free of charge and asynchronous e-learning course that allows participants to acquire BIM methodology-based knowledge, and to develop the skills required to understand and apply the BIM Standard for Public Projects. This initiative was developed by Planbim, and funded by Corfo (Chilean Economic Development Agency) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

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This web page presents information about the Chilean strategy for BIM implementation in the AECO industry, called Planbim, which considers the gradual incorporation of BIM requirements in public projects, from 2020 onwards. 

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These videos (English and Spanish versions) describe the main objectives and goals of the National BIM Program of Chile, called Planbim. In 2016, the Chilean State elaborated a roadmap to increase the productivity of the construction sector, considering the implementation of BIM in public projects, gathering support from several ministries and public institutions. In this context, Planbim was created as the government’s initiative that leads this process, promoting the use of BIM to increase productivity and sustainability in the AECO industry. Planbim is a part of Corfo (Chilean Economic Development Agency), which depends on the Ministry of Economy.

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Planbim’s lines of action are: institutionality and strategy, standardization, human capital, enabling technologies, communication and engagement.

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This document, published in 2019, was developed by Planbim along with a steering committee composed of 34 private, public, and academic organizations. It is based on international BIM regulations, standards, and protocols. The main focus of the document is the exchange of information during the project. Its target audiences are the public institutions that regulate, tender and/or mandate projects to other institutions, and the private companies rendering services in this context. Despite this standard being developed for public projects, it may also be used for private projects. The document is available in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

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