We understand that successful digitization of the construction industry requires designers, architects, engineers, project managers and construction supervisors who know how to work with these technologies. Their preparation is currently a major challenge for the education system. To this end, the NRA has established a BIM expert group that brings together skilled technology enthusiasts and oversees the effective use of BIM in construction projects and, in the future, in building management. The company employs many young specialists who know how to use modern technologies, are not afraid to experiment and test new ideas in practice, and are ready to share their experience with others. Our experts participate in and organize in-demand seminars on practical aspects of using BIM. In organizing them, the NRA tends to cooperate with the Ministry of Economics and SIA “Latvian State Standard”. Thus, the NRA shares good practices and promotes faster inclusion of BIM requirements in construction procurement throughout the Latvian public sector. At the end of 2020, the NRA signed a memorandum of cooperation with Riga Technical University. It will be a useful exchange of knowledge and experience for both parties, which will help to create new innovations. 


RB Rail AS is a multi-national joint venture of the Republics of Estonia, Latvia and Lituania, which has been established to implement Rail Baltica, the largest Baltic-region infrastructure project in the last 100 years with a goal of integrating the Baltic states into the European rail network. The Rail Baltica BIM documentation includes overview presentations (video & PDF) along with a comprehensive package of programme-specific BIM guidance and templates aligned with international standards.

Presentations cover Rail Baltica’s BIM Implementation Vision and Strategy in addition to presentations from recent events. The Full BIM Guidelines Package can be downloaded as a single *.zip package and contains the BIM Manual, BIM Employer’s Information Requirements (EIR), BIM Execution Plan (BEP) Template, Codification Tables and instructions, BIM Objects Attribute Matrix, BIM Objects Level of Geometric Detail (LoG) Matrix and instructions, Task Information Delivery Plan (TIDP) Template, Master Information Delivery Plan (MIDP) Template, BIM Delivery Report Template, Quantity Extraction (QEX) Template, Quantity Take Off (QTO) Template, DataDrop Template, CAD Template and instructions and Clash Check Report Template.

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The BIM Conference is organised by the Association for Construction Industry Digitalisation (Būvniecības Industrijas Digitalizācijas asociācija), a public, non-governmental organisation. This annual event brings together experienced professionals in the construction and technology sectors who understand the difficulties and challenges of the built environment and are able to find the right solutions. The association also cooperates with a number of academic institutions to deliver the event.

Representatives of the Latvian state, non-governmental organisations, the private sector and representatives from other countries speak at the conference, sharing their experiences of the benefits of using BIM in both public procurement and production, design and construction processes.

The conference generally consists of three parts: presentations, discussions and practical workshops. While there is usually a fee to attend the conference, the organisers make recordings of the sessions, which are available free of charge after the event.

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VNI (Valsts Nekustamie Īpašumi) is the most active customer of construction projects in the public sector and is working to promote the digitalisation of construction in Latvia. In accordance with the priorities of the BIM Roadmap, VNI developed guidelines for BIM in public procurement (including standard customer information requirements) and established a training program that allows other public sector organisations to be educated on the use of BIM.

The BIM Competence Centre’s website shares VNI’s guidance and templates in addition to information regarding BIM seminars, organised in cooperation with the Ministry of Economics and National Standards Body. The site also collects case studies from VNI’s BIM projects.

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The Ministry of Economics – in cooperation with other state institutions and capital companies, representatives of the construction sector, educational institutions and construction customers – developed a Roadmap for the implementation of BIM in Latvia. 

The Roadmap sets out the case for change, programme vision, targeted benefits, schedules, lines of action and key activities. It provides a focus for national transformation and demonstrates public leadership.

Read the roadmap

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This site is the primary destination for public sector information regarding the implementation of BIM in Latvia. It provides a summary on what BIM is and why it is important to Latvia, along with links to resources such as the Latvia BIM roadmap

Reinforcing public sector commitment to BIM transformation, this content is replicated under the policy section of the Ministry of Economics’ website.

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Part of an ongoing programme of research, summary descriptions, results presentations and key reports are published on subjects such as, for instance ‘identifying the investments required for the implementation of building information modelling (BIM)’ and ‘Evaluation of benefits from the use of BIM in construction projects and operation of buildings and collection of good practices in the use of BIM’.

Further research is planned to be published on subjects such as the cost of implementing BIM, construction classification systems for BIM projects and providing free common data environment solutions for public procurers.

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LVS has provided a single destination for information on locally relevant BIM standards, demonstrating Latvia’s alignment with international best practices, which have been adapted and interpreted for local conditions.

The website provides a summary of locally adopted standards along with a brief narrative summary. It includes ISO standards such as ISO 19650-1/2 and ISO 16739 in addition to local Latvian standard LVS 1052, which contains terms and definitions relating to the construction and real estate sector, contracts, education, legislation, etc.

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Latvian Standard (LVS) is the national standards body for Latvia. It organises seminars and training courses on standards and standardisation in Latvia and Europe to help entrepreneurs, experts of technical committees, students and other target groups to get involved.

LVS created an e-learning platform for unlimited free access to courses and training materials related to standards and standardisation (registration via email is required).

The courses are designed to provide basic knowledge in BIM to a wider range of specialists. The e-learning platform includes subjects such as standards and standardisation, BIM management, BIM coordination, BIM modelling, risk management and information security management systems.

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The Construction Digitalization Center (Būvniecības digitalizācijas centrs, BDC) is a structural unit of Riga Technical University (RTU). BDC has been established to promote the acquisition of digital processes in the construction industry.

The BIM training programme was organised by RTU’s Construction Digitalization Center in cooperation with the CMB Engineering Competence Centre and procured by the Latvian National Standards’ body.

The programme provides live in-person and online training for the practical implementation of BIM in Latvian construction companies and the application of BIM on projects. It covers a wide range of subjects from general BIM awareness through to practical classes in working with specialised BIM software and BIM modelling. Participant feedback on the training has been shared with the Ministry of Economy to inform further development of the Latvia’s BIM Roadmap.

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