The Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana, MITMA) holds the Presidency and Secretariat of the Interministerial Commission for the incorporation of the BIM Methodology in the public tender, (Comisión Interministerial para la incorporación de la MetodologÃa BIM, CBIM). It contemplates the sustainable management of resources and the circular economy, as well as digital innovation in its Urban Agenda. The Ministry has included the use of the BIM methodology in the discussion document of the Safe Mobility Strategy, Sustainable and Connected 2030 (Estrategia de Movilidad segura, sostenible y conectada 2030), which is being developed.
MITMA aligns Spain’s transport and infrastructure policy with the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations and with the recent Communications of the European Commission related to the digitalisation of construction in the European Union.
The BIM Commission is an Interministerial Commission, a collegiate body of a temporary nature whose purpose is to promote and guarantee the coordination of the General State Administration, and its public bodies and entities of public law in the implementation of the BIM methodology in public procurement. It was created by Royal Decree 1515/2018 and constituted in April 2019. The Commission has 5 key functions:
- Develop a plan for the incorporation of a BIM methodology.
- Follow the measure contained in the plan.
- Carry out informative actions and staff training.
- Represent Spain in international forums.
- Receive and exchange information between the different ministries.
Every year, Spain sends a National Reform and a National Stability programme to the Council of Ministers of the European Union and the European Commission. This submission is made in compliance with European Union obligations, which request all Member States to submit their National Reform and Stability Programmes to the European Commission. The aim is to coordinate national economic policies and achieve the objectives set for the European Union as a whole.
The National Reform Programme (Programa Nacional De Reformas, PNR) 2019 explains the current and future state of the Spanish economy. It considers elements such as GDP and employment as well as more specific topics around Infrastructure development, in particular sustainability and digital transformation.
Over the last two decades, the Spanish government has been adopting programmes for digital progress, aligned with the European digital agendas, which have served as a framework to promote a process of infrastructure deployment and development. The aim is to develop a business and technological ecosystem in a key area for economic productivity, territorial structure and social progress. Thus, the Info XXI Plan, the Españ Program, the Avanza Plan and, lastly, the Digital Agenda for Spain of February 2013 have enabled a strategic approach that has guided a major public and private investment effort in this field. Most of these digital strategies and agendas have been articulated around four lines of action: (1) the deployment of networks and services for digital connectivity; (2) the digitisation of the economy; (3) the improvement of electronic administration, and (4) training in digital skills. Although progress has been significant in all areas, the public and private investment emphasis has been clearly focused on the extension of physical telecommunications networks.
Digital Spain 2025 (España Digital 2025) includes a set of measures, reforms and investments, articulated in 10 strategic axes, aligned with the digital policies set by the European Commission. The actions of the Agenda are aimed at promoting more sustainable and inclusive growth, driven by the synergies of the digital and ecological transitions, which reach society as a whole and reconcile the new opportunities offered by the digital world with respect for constitutional values and the protection of individual and collective rights:
- Guarantee adequate digital connectivity for 100% of the population, promoting the disappearance of the digital divide between rural and urban areas.
- Continue to lead the deployment of 5G technology in Europe, encouraging its contribution to increased economic productivity, social progress and territorial structure.
- Strengthen the digital skills of workers and citizens as a whole.
- Reinforce Spain’s capacity in cybersecurity, consolidating its position as one of the European poles of business capacity.
- Promote the digitisation of Public Administrations.
- Accelerate the digitisation of companies, with special attention to SMEs and start-ups.
- Accelerate the digitisation of the production model through sectoral transformation tractor projects that generate structural effects.
- Improve the attractiveness of Spain as a European platform for business, work and investment in the audio-visual field.
- Promote the transition to a data economy, guaranteeing security and privacy and taking advantage of the opportunities offered by Artificial Intelligence.
- Guarantee the rights of citizens in the new digital environment.
An archive version of this information article has been created if the original is no longer accessible (Archive information from January 2024)
The Regional Government of Extremadura (Junta de Extremadura) has a road network of 3,738 kilometres in length, of which 153 correspond to dual carriageway roads. This network, supported by national or local networks, allows mobility and accessibility in the Extremaduran territory. This is necessary for the economic and social development of this autonomous community. It this therefore a priority to consolidate and maintain this regional network in the best possible way to ensure safety and comfort. BIM methodology has enormous potential to achieve this important goal.
This guide (GuÃa BIM de la dirección general de movilidad e infraestructuras viarias) was created to introduce and establish BIM procedures in the regional projects. It is a primary document that serves as a reference to implement BIM requirements in all its phases – the first guide developed for a road network. This document will be useful both for the personnel of the General Directorate of Mobility and Road Infrastructure (Dirección General de Movilidad e Infraestructuras Viarias) and for professionals involved in planning, design, construction maintenance and operation of road networks.
The General State Administration committed to the implementation of BIM in public procurement in the Civil Engineering sector. This followed the actions undertaken in 2018 to promote the use of BIM during the 2019 budget year and through the Royal Decree 472/2019. It was due to the strategic impulse of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda to achieve a similar, quantitative and qualitative adoption of BIM for all professionals. This initiative inspired the Support guide for contracts with BIM requirements (GuÃa de apoyo a contrataciones con requisitos BIM) as a common element of transmission of knowledge. It is intended to be an instrument of change in the mentality of professionals who work in the health construction sector.
Currently, there is a heterogeneous degree of maturity in Spain in terms of the use of BIM among disciplines, companies, administrations and other interested parties. The methodology has an implementation level higher in the field of construction compared to civil engineering. Reasons for this imbalance vary, which is why it is a great challenge to expand adoption of BIM. CITOP (Colegio de Ingenieros Técnicos de Obras Públicas), aware of the weak points, is addressing the training of professionals in the field of bidding and contracting of public works with requirements for BIM, and providing a guide that can support industry.
An archive version of this information article has been created if the original is no longer accessible (Archive information from January 2024)
For two years, ETS (Euskal Trenbide Sarea), the public entity responsible for rail projects in the Basque country, has been in the process of implementing the BIM methodology. Among the lines of action of this process are:
- Awareness for all the people of the entity and specific training when required.
- Definition of the minimum requirements of the technical specifications of projects and works of ETS.
- Elaboration of the main lines that will govern the modelling.
- Development of pilot projects using the BIM methodology.
As a result of this commitment, the ETS BIM manual has been developed. It is intended for the different collaborating companies: service providers, contractors and subcontractors. The manual needs to be used in all phases of the action (design, construction and maintenance), with the aim of defining the framework for the production and delivery of BIM information in each phase of the project.