Part 0 Template. Part 0 is the first part of the suite of standards under the ISO 19650 heading. This document is a national level publication which is designed to explain to the industry the changes required to deliver BIM in line with ISO 19650 and in a localized context. Following the guidance document provided, this template gives you a structured document with headings and tables which can be completed with your specific requirements. Used in conjunction with the guidance and the questions prompted, the template can be populated to develop a country specific Part 0 document. This template is provided as a starting point, articlating the main points expected in a Part 0 standard, sections can be added, removed and modified to suit your specific requirements.

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Pre-appointment BEP Template. The Pre-appointment BEP is delivered by potential design team members as part of the project procurement process. Following the guidance document provided, this template gives you a structured document with headings and tables which can be completed with your specific requirements. Used in conjunction with the guidance and the questions prompted, the template can be populated to develop an pre-appointment BEP. This template is provided as a starting point, articlating the main points expected in a BEP, sections can be added, removed and modified to suit your specific requirements.

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Project Information Requirements Template. The PIR is created to meet the needs of the appointing parties strategic objectives, however it has a focus on the specific information which can be provided as part of the delivery stages of a project. Following the guidance document provided, this template gives you a structured document with headings and placeholders which can be completed with your specific requirements. Used in conjunction with the guidance and the questions prompted, the template can be populated to develop an initial PIR. This template is provided as a starting point, articlating the main points expected in a PIR, sections can be added, removed and modified to suit your specific requirements.

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This template, provided in Excel format enables the completion of a responsibility matrix for each project. The detailed responsibility matrix is the method of articulating what information is to be produced, when it is to be exchanged, and who is responsible. The template contains picklists which should be used to control the permitted values for each field. This template has assumed the use of Level of Detail (LOD) and Level of information (LOI) to articulate the amount of information requirement.

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This TIDP (Task Information Delivery Plan) template, created in Excel format, has be developed to help manage the indivual designers indicate the information they will be producing. The TIDP sets out the responsibilities for each individual information deliverable and are used to manage the delivery of that information. They are prepared by individual task team managers. It is good practicetouse a common template forTIDP’s so that they can be easilly integrated into the MIDP.

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Asset Information Requiements Guidance. The AIR is a document which forms part of the ISO 19650 process, put simply it should articulate the asset data the organisation or owner would like to be delivered on project completion. In many cases it is likely that asset/facilities management processes are already in place within your organisation, however they may not have been structured in a manner which enables them to be specified as a project deliverable. The AIR specifies the information required to successfully operate and maintain an asset, typically focusing on specific components of an asset. This guidance document helps to ask specific questions of your existing asset management processes in order to develop a suitable AIR for your project.

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Capability and Capacity Assessment Template. The CCA is a series of questions which can be put to the potential delivery team to answer during procurement to establish their delivery process, experience and inexperience in various apsects of the project delivery. Following the guidance document provided, this template gives you a structured document containing all of the questions and headings with blank answer fields. This template is provided as a starting point, articlating the main questions which should be asked of the supply chain during procurement, questions can be added, removed and modified to suit your specific requirements.

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Capability and Capacity Assessment Guidance. This assessment form is designed to be used on a BIM project to assist in the procurement and appoinment of various parties. Having a deeper understanding of each appointed parties capabilities with regards to BIM and information management can help to ensure the correct companies are selected and that they have the capacity needed to successfully deliver the project. The CCA is a series of questions which can be put to the potential delivery team to answer during procurement to establish their delivery process, experience and inexperience in various apsects of the project delivery.

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The BIM toolkit has been created with the intention of supporting different countries with the creation of their technical BIM framework. The toolkit is aligned with the ISO 19650 standards series, to assist with BIM adoption and open global opportunities. The overview document explains the various companents of the toolkit, how to use each of the documents, and provides advice on how to best start your journey depending on BIM maturity.

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