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Project Norway (Prosjekt Norge) is owned by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), with several other groups acting as academic partners. In addition, all state development agencies are partners, together with contractors, consulting companies and the Oil and Gas sector. Project Norway is set up as a national centre of expertise for the development of future project processes through research and knowledge sharing. The centre’s ambition is that project-based industries in Norway will be at the forefront internationally in value-creating and cost-effective project execution.

Its purpose is to initiate research and establish arenas for knowledge and experience sharing between academia, agencies such as asset owners and the business sector as suppliers within project-oriented activities. The project has a goal to support the continuous improvement of project execution among its partners by contributing to:

  • Better and common development processes with our partners
  • Create professional development in collaboration with the partners
  • Create increased quality and added value for the partners
  • Invite new developments through collaboration across the sectors
  • Link the development of new knowledge more closely with project managers and owners.

Digitalisation is about establishing a basis for automatic information exchange between people, systems and machines. It’s about creating an information ecosystem where all systems’ generated information is utilised to streamline and optimise all processes. Project Norway is working to identify how digitalisation will help the Norwegian construction industry. Digitalisation will provide new opportunities to leverage available information to:

  • Streamline and automate processes
  • Optimise and foster development
  • Share available information in order to take act faster and improve processes
  • Share available information in order to improve analysis and decision-making.

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The Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit (Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público – SHCP) presents the Strategy for the implementation of BIM in Mexico, which seeks to promote measures aimed at improving public infrastructure development processes.

The main goal of the strategy (Estrategia para la implementación del Modelado de Información de la Construcción (MIC) en México) is to improve the development processes of public infrastructure, strengthen accountability and transparency, and improve the quality of the projects. The overall aim is to provide a resilient infrastructure and stimulate the global competitiveness of the Mexican construction industry.  This strategy defines the specific objectives and actions planned to fulfil the digital transformation of the industry.

The strategy will be carried out progressively and divided into phases, this will allow sufficient time for the development of skills, capacities and processes so that the full potential of the methodology can be achieved.

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The Plan BIM Mexico group is a non-profit organisation formed by people passionate about BIM methodology and Open BIM, who want to be able to design, build and operate in a more collaborative, sustainable, efficient and transparent way. Their mission is to promote BIM adoption, to create regulations and standards that allow interoperability in the models, to make public works more efficient, transparent and sustainable, with a vision to become a support for governments, academia and companies in the coming years.

The objective of this organisation is the modernisation and digitisation of the construction sector to help meet sustainable development goals. The website has a blog, a link to the BIM Alliance of Nuevo León, a live chat link and Observatory and Digital Transformation pages.

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The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat – PUPR) is a government entity responsible for public housing and associated infrastructure in Indonesia. It is responsible for national BIM implementation and has produced a BIM implementation roadmap. The roadmap consists of several main stages, namely Adoption, Digitalization, Collaboration and Integration, which is expected to be achieved within a maximum of five years. As a follow-up to this roadmap release, a PUPR BIM Team was formed, which was tasked with “controlling” the implementation of BIM.

The PUPR BIM team has prepared various initiatives for the national implementation of BIM. Activities that have been carried out include:

  • BIM technical debriefing in the design, engineering and construction phases so that the Team is able to analyse the output of BIM data and information
  • The preparation of the BIM Model “Application of R&D Technology in KSPN Morotai”
  • Exploring collaboration with UII and ITB as BIM Center of Excellence (CoE) so that all UNOR can utilise this CoE for training and certification, both for PUPR ASN, and service providers (consultants and contractors)
  • A collaboration with a BIM Authoring Software organisation, which will provide free software licenses to the Ministry of PUPR.

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Institut BIM Indonesia (iBIMi) is a non-profit organisation that started as an initiative of activists, practitioners and academics in the field of Design Modelling and BIM in Indonesia. iBIMi is presented as a platform to encourage the adaptation of BIM use in Indonesia through advocacy of BIM guidelines, protocols and technical instructions for all organisations and stakeholders.

 iBIMi has also a mission to support the academic field to develop human resources that are ready to adapt BIM methods in the Indonesian Engineering and Construction Architecture industry.

The website contains details about the organisation as well as information and news articles related to recent work that iBIMi has undertaken. There is also a member registration page to request updates.

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The Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Property (Ministarstvo prostornoga uređenja, graditeljstva i državne imovine, MPGI) has taken a lead to promote the use of BIM and digital technologies within Croatia. The construction sector is strategically important for the Republic of Croatia and the European Union because it creates buildings and infrastructure that are necessary for everyday life and the economy. It also acts as the backbone for all accompanying activities in the European Union (EU), from economic to social initiatives. It represents 9% of EU GDP with the highest number of employees in industry, of which as many as 43.6 million are directly or indirectly related to the construction sector.

With a view to creating a common European approach to the development of the digital construction sector, the European Commission has brought together interested Member States in the EU BIM Task Group. Since 2017, MPGI has been an equal member of the EU BIM Task Group and actively participates in promoting BIM and implementing it.

To implement BIM in the Republic of Croatia, the Ministry has formed a working group called the HR BIM Task Group, consisting of representatives of architectural and engineering chambers and national administrative bodies. This website acts as a repository and signpost for the activities of these groups and the progress on BIM adoption in Croatia.

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The Croatian Chamber of Civil Engineers (Hrvatska Komora Inženjera Građevinarstva) is an independent professional organisation of certified civil engineers, construction engineers, head of works, and other construction professionals based in the Republic of Croatia. The chamber is set up for people who perform the tasks of the regulated profession, in accordance with special regulations governing the performance of activities in the field of zoning and construction.

The Croatian Chamber of Civil Engineers represents its members and their interests. It seeks to improve engineering activities in order to protect the public interest and interests of third parties. It preserves the reputation, honour and rights of certified civil engineers, and provides conditions for the proper performance of design and/or professional supervision of construction.

This document was produced by the Chamber of Civil Engineers to enable and support the adoption of BIM on projects. The guidelines cover the introduction to BIM and how it can be used in Croatian projects. They also explain the full information management and data exchange process alongside how models can be used on projects. The guidance can be used by organisations to make their first steps towards the introduction of BIM.

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BIM Croatia (BIM Hrvatska) is a non-profit association that was founded in 2018 with the main goal of expanding and encouraging the national application of BIM. BIM Croatia brings together professionals of the Croatian construction industry, including engineers with many years of experience in the application of BIM in the design, construction and management of buildings. Given the many wide applications and technologies that support BIM, clear rules and procedures need to be set.

This was the guiding thought of the founders of the association, who want to contribute to the implementation of BIM in Croatia through their own experience. BIM Croatia contributes to its implementation by setting standards through different professions, jobs and software. It also advises, educates, encourages and informs. In view of these goals, the establishment of a citizens’ association as a non-profit and independent entity has emerged as the best way to achieve this.

The goals of BIM Croatia are:

  • Initiating changes in the way buildings are planned and constructed, how they are used and managed using the BIM approach.
  • Information on the construction industry, especially regarding BIM access.
  • Encouraging and accelerating the implementation of BIM in construction.
  • Increasing the competitiveness of the construction industry in domestic and foreign markets.
  • Connecting professionals with domestic and international organisations, investors and companies.
  • Standardisation of the application of BIM and the encouragement of better cooperation in construction.

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Mideplan presents Costa Rica’s National BIM Strategy to encourage the development of the construction sector, improve the execution of public contracting, provide greater transparency in the bidding processes, as well as contributing to the optimisation of the maintenance and operation of buildings and infrastructure.

The National BIM Strategy is a set of methodologies, technologies and processes that configures, designs, builds, operates and maintains the collaborative form of an infrastructure project in a virtual space. This allows cost savings, improved productivity and efficiency of operations, increased quality of infrastructure and reduced environmental impact. This document details the objectives and strategies for the implementation of this methodology in Costa Rica.

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Mideplan is the governing body of the National Planning System. It is a strategic institution of the Costa Rican Government that promotes improvement in public management as detailed in the National Development and Public Investment Plan 2019-2022.

In February, Mideplan launched the National BIM Strategy. The Ministry of the Presidency, through the office of the First Lady, promotes the adoption of this methodology in the country. The coordination of the implementation is overseen by the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Policy (Mideplan), through the Pre-investment Fund with the technical cooperation of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) for the development of the national work plan.

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