The BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP) was set up by the Construction IT Alliance (CitA) and Enterprise Ireland to support BIM adoption in Ireland. The BICP seeks to capture the capability of the Irish Construction Industry and the Higher Education Institutes to respond to the increased requirement for BIM in Irish construction and engineering projects. The outputs of BICP will seek to influence the strategic use of BIM by key clients and procurement policy makers in Ireland.

BICP’s website presents the current work of the programme, as well as hosting many resources and links related to the adoption of BIM in Ireland. It also contains details of the BICP programme including the four work packages: Information Gathering, Consultation, In-depth Analysis and Disseminate Findings.

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The Construction IT Alliance (CitA) BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP), funded by Enterprise Ireland, aims to capture the construction industry’s and academia’s capability to respond to the increased requirements for BIM in Irish construction projects. The BICP is a direct response to the ‘Construction 2020 report’, published in 2014. The report aims to promote the use of BIM and develop the appropriate technical skills amongst Irish construction firms so that they can compete in a market where BIM is a requirement. There are four distinct work packages to achieve the strategic objectives of the BICP, which include a systemic review of BIM adoption in international regions, with a particular focus on the enablers that can support national implementation programmes.

This Global BIM Study focusses on exploring the value proposition behind BIM adoption in international regions and what governments and professional bodies are doing to advance it. A number of countries from across different continents were explored as part of this study, as well as European countries. The study highlights the strategic importance of BIM to international governments and identifies the common themes or pillars present within international BIM programmes. These include public leadership, growth capability and industry capacity, building a common collaborative business environment and, above all, creating a more productive, less adversarial construction sector.

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The document’s full title is Concept for the step-by-step introduction of modern, IT-supported processes and technologies in the design, construction and operation of structures – step-by-step plan for the introduction of BIM – final report (Konzept zur schrittweisen Einführung moderner, IT-gestützter Prozesse und Technologien bei Planung, Bau und Betrieb von Bauwerken – Stufenplan zur Einführung von BIM – Endbericht)

Everyone involved in the planning, construction and operation of construction projects – including public and private builders, architects, planners, software manufacturers, contractors, suppliers and operators – should have a common vision and strategy for the implementation of integrated, model-oriented working. This vision and strategy should include short- and long-term goals in the form of a step-by-step plan. This phased plan must address the weakest links in the supply chain and give the market sufficient time to prepare.

The former Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure has taken up this recommendation and, based on international examples, it published a phased plan for the introduction of BIM in the transport sector, which covers the use of BIM in new projects to be planned in Germany from the end of 2020. Prior to 2020, the skills, capacities and foundations should be created through collaboration. For this purpose, BIM pilot projects have been carried out and scientifically evaluated.

At the strategic level, the step-by-step plan proposed in this final report includes a guiding approach, principles and a vision for the German construction industry in the digital age. For the operational level, the plan describes in detail an initial performance level for the application of the Building Information Modelling (BIM) method in projects. It then defines a basic reference process for the creation and transfer of digital data in construction projects. By consistently applying this process, the advantages of the method, such as increased planning security, transparency and efficiency, can be achieved in a cost-effective manner and with little risk. This final report also proposes to give the overall market sufficient advance notice of what to expect.

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Planning and building are internationally recognised core competences in Germany. Every year, the German planning and construction industry proves that it can build efficiently and with high quality. Despite these competences, a number of major projects experienced delays and cost overruns. For this reason, the former Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development convened the Reform Commission for the Construction of Large-Scale Projects to counteract undesirable developments. In addition to numerous other recommendations, the Reform Commission emphasised in its final report that digital methods such as BIM bring great advantages and should therefore be used more intensively.

This phased plan (Stufenplan Digitales Planen und Bauen), initiated by the reform commission, defines a common understanding of the BIM method and specifies the requirements that the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure will place on digital models and collaborative work with BIM. The plan thus creates clarity for all those involved as to which future requirements they should be prepared for. At the same time, it gives everyone enough time to make the necessary changes by setting out the timeline for the phased adoption of BIM and the next steps that need to be taken to reach a ‘Level 1’ performance.

The primary audience of the phased plan are the public clients of infrastructure construction, who must demand a performance of ‘Level 1’ in their project awards, and the contractors, who are required to acquire the necessary knowledge if this is not already available. However other public and private clients can also benefit from this plan as a basis for the introduction of BIM.

The document is also available in English (Road Map for Digital Design and Construction) from here.

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The German construction industry successfully implements many large construction projects worldwide every year. In recent years, however, there have been more and more national public debates about major projects that are not delivered on time or to budget. Therefore, in April 2013, the former Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development launched a reform commission to transform the construction of major projects. The commission presented recommendations for action in 2015, which included cost transparency, cost accuracy, efficiency and adherence to schedules for large projects in the hope that infrastructure construction can be improved. The Federal Government welcomed the fact that everyone involved in major projects was able to support the Reform Commission and was able to agree on further recommendations.

With these recommendations for action, the Reform Commission aims to provide inspiration for BIM adoption that can also be transferred to smaller projects in all federal states.

The Federal Government expects the private partners involved in major projects to fulfil their responsibilities in their area of expertise, in particular through practical partnership-based cooperation in all project phases. This will contribute to the successful implementation of the action plan and will establish a good reputation for the German construction and planning industry across the world.

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Digital technologies can make a decisive contribution to cost truth, cost transparency, efficiency and adherence to deadlines. The better availability of data for all parties involved in the construction project ensures transparency and collaboration. Schedules, costs and risks can be determined more easily, earlier and more precisely, and completely controlled. The use of digital methods is therefore also a central demand of the Reform Commission for the Construction of Major Projects.

In order to help BIM achieve a breakthrough in Germany, the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure has presented a step-by-step plan for the introduction of BIM. It applies primarily to infrastructure construction and infrastructure-related building construction, but can also be used as a framework for other areas. The step-by-step plan is intended to lay the foundations for the gradual introduction of BIM in Germany.

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The Digital Building Transition Plan (Plan Transition Numérique dans le Bâtiment, PTNB) was presented for the first time by Sylvia PINEL at the Council of Ministers on 10 December 2014. It aimed to modernise the construction sector, promote the skills’ development of professionals, improve quality and reduce costs in new builds and renovation.

Its mission was the deployment of digital technology throughout the construction sector and in particular in small structures, around three areas of work:

  • Experiment, capitalise, convince all actors.
  • Support the skills’ development of professionals and stimulate the creation of tools adapted to small projects.
  • Develop a trusted digital ecosystem.

This final PTNB report identifies the following key priorities:

  • BIM for all: development of digital office and construction site tools for small- and medium-sized structures;
  • the digital notebook for monitoring and maintaining a dwelling;
  • standardisation of processes and exchanges;
  • the digitisation of existing builds for the renovation and operation of the works.

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From new construction to renovation, from digital models to connected objects, the building sector is fully involved in digital transformation. The public authorities support the digital transition of buildings, to improve the comfort of use and the quality of life in housing, schools or offices. This page describes the major public sector activities related to digital transformation from the Digital Transition in Building Plan (Plan Transition Numérique dans le Bâtiment, PTNB) to the BIM 2022 Plan which followed PTNB and commenced in 2019.

This site also references guidance for project owners and voluntary charters to encourage digital transformation and commitment to the objectives of the BIM 2022 Plan.

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Austrian Standards is Austria’s organisation for standardisation and innovation . They are an independent and neutral group tasked with supporting standards which are delivered as practicable, sustainable solutions for economic and social challenges. These standards are designed to make life easier, safer and better, whilst strengthening the competitiveness of the Austrian and European economy.

The Austrian Standards organisation works to:

  • Promote the dialogue between various stakeholders on a national and international level.
  • Act as the gateway to a global standardization network and numerous partner organizations.
  • Share the methodical know-how to start and manage cooperative processes.
  • Make standards, documents and information accessible with innovative tools.
  • Prepare specialist knowledge using multimedia, promote professional development and offer different certification models.

BIM is the new common language of the construction industry in Austria. Through the work of the Austrian Standards organisation the ÖNORMs series A 6241 of standards have been in effect since July 1st, 2015. In these standards, all aspects of BIM technology are taken into account and provided dynamically to the project participants for the software products they use with innovative digital construction components. The Austrian approach is on the one hand a fundamental and on the other hand a more advanced approach, due to a known sets of rules. An essential component is a dynamic, freely expandable database of characteristics based on open standards, international compatibility and multilingualism in terms of user guidance and content. This website contains the background to the Austrian standards as well as document links and details of the ongoing work as well as previous successes.

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The Austrian Federal Chamber of Commerce (Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, WKO) functions as the federal parent organisation for the nine State Chambers and 110 trade associations for different industries within Austria’s economy. The WKO provides representation of membership interests at all levels of government. By law, governments are obliged to consult with Chambers on legislative projects and important regulation. In many laws a provision is made to involve Chambers in decision-making and administrative procedures.

The WKO’s website provides access to a study conducted by the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology and the Construction Office on the subject of the “Potential of digitization in the building industry”, looking at the benefits that BIM can bring. The website also contains several documents, videos and links to the local buildingSMART chapter, all of which provide additional information about current BIM adoption in Austria.

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