This document was developed within action 3 of the BIM 2022 plan ‘Requirements and Standardisation’. It is an easy-to-access brochure that promotes the normative work in progress.

Its purpose is to inform anyone involved in the construction sector on the work carried out in the various national (AFNOR) and international (CEN – ISO) standardisation bodies.

The document outlines the purpose and need for standards, and describes the standardisation landscape and its ecosystem. It also provides information on the available national and international BIM standards.

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This free platform is aimed at all project owners, regardless of their structure, their level of BIM maturity  or the type of their operations. It was produced by industry partners on behalf of the BIM Plan 2022 and the Housing, Urban Planning and Landscape Department (DHUP).

Through the support offered on ORELIE, project owners can integrate all of the theoretical notions related to BIM specifications. Support is structured on the basis of the framework of a standard BIM Specification, which has previously been defined as part of action 1 of the BIM Plan 2022: Making the BIM order reliable.

Thanks to videos, documents and interactive presentations, each user can therefore complete their BIM specifications, part by part, writing and updating their document in complete autonomy.

The platform aims to complete BIM repositories and pre-existing guides by offering an interactive tool, promoting user engagement and offering a space for reflection.

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This document was published under the ‘Building Trust in Digital’ workstream of the Digital Building Transition Plan (PTNB). The Inter-ministerial Mission for the Quality of Public Constructions (MIQCP) was tasked with publishing a guide for contracting authorities with the aim of developing a set of very practical recommendations based on experiences and expert opinions.

Convincing project owners of the benefits of BIM is essential. This comprehensive 54-page guide describes in detail how to get started with BIM and conduct an operation digitally with other construction stakeholders. It specifies the roles and responsibilities of all those involved with regard to the use of the digital model and describes the actions to be carried out by the contracting authority.

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Poznan University of Technology is a technical university conducting research and training in BSc, MSc, PhD engineering and postgraduate studies in 20 different fields, including Architecture and Urban Planning, Construction and Environmental Engineering. The university specialises in improvements throughout the construction lifecycle, including; preparation for the design, construction, asset management, renovation, reinforcement and demolition of buildings and civil engineering structures, all areas where the BIM technology is applicable.

The university has created this BIM website to act as a home and sharing platform for current research and discussion around BIM in Poland. It has a remit to provide research activities around BIM, understand the industries’ needs and try to address them. The website contains a few videos and useful links, but the bulk of the content is meeting minutes, outputs, reports and recordings of events that have been held either virtually or in person over the past decade.

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The Public Procurement Office (Urzad ZamówieÅ„ Publicznych – UZP), headed by the President, is the central body of government administration. Supervision over the President of the Office is exercised by the Minister for the Economy. The advisory and opinion-giving body of the President is the Public Procurement Council, whose members are appointed and dismissed by the Minister for the Economy.

This website outlines useful information and knowledge sharing for BIM in four main sections:

  • Regulations, including both national Polish law, as well as EU law related to BIM
  • BIM Standard EN, looking at the international standards for BIM (ISO 19650) and the BIM Standard PL
  • Links to other ministries / groups
  • Publications, including links to documents from the EU BIM Task Group.

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The Polish Association of Construction Employers (Polski ZwiÄ…zek Pracodawców Budownictwa – PZPB) is a nationwide organisation grouping companies from the infrastructure and construction industry, which together generate over PLN 50 billion of the value of construction and assembly production in Poland and employ over 50,000 people. Among the PZPB member companies there are 13 of the 15 largest enterprises dealing with comprehensive investment implementation, development companies, specialised design companies, companies producing construction products, machines, providing technologies and others related to the infrastructure and construction sector.

This study presents the results of several years of social work on Polish BIM standards intended for public investments in construction, tentatively named BIM Standard PL. The project began in 2014, when an agreement was signed between the Polish Association of Construction Engineers and Technicians (PZITB), the Association of Polish Architects (SARP) and the Chief Construction Supervision Office (GUNB) regarding cooperation in legislative processes related to construction, with one of the topics being BIM.

As a result of this agreement, under the aegis of PZITB and SARP, a think tank called V4 BIM Task Group was established, which gathered a group of the experts in the field of BIM to formulate the Polish path to BIM implementation. Three main goals were identified: implementation of BIM in public investments in construction, staff education and standardisation of BIM processes. The year 2025 was indicated as the deadline.

BIM Standard PL started in 2018 with the signature of a declaration of cooperation between PZITB, the Polish Association of Construction Employers (PZPB), SARP and Budimex, Skanska, Warbud and Porr to develop a draft of BIM standards for public investments in construction. It is intended as a comprehensive BIM manual for investment, management and construction professionals mainly in the public sector. BIM Standard PL is addressed both to the ordering party and contractors, with particular emphasis on good preparation of the BIM information process and correct implementation. Due to the different level of BIM competences among potential users, BIM Standard PL is not only defining the standards but also offers educational materials to acquire BIM competences. This document is not an official standard but a proposal, made available for market evaluation and discussion.

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The Ministry of Development & technology for Poland has appointed a BIM working group and steering committee. The group and committee developed BIM templates to support the implementation of digital ways of working in public projects in residential construction. These are universal document templates to be used in public and private construction projects.

This set of 12 BIM templates were created by involving all stakeholders (designers, engineers, general contractors, ministries, etc.), which had the opportunity to submit comments and proposals for solutions to be used in these documents.

The BIM set includes:

  • BIM Lexicon
  • BIM Requirements Template (EIR) Overview
  • BIM Requirements Template (EIR)
  • BIM Plan (BEP) template overview
  • BIM Plan Template (BEP)
  • Table of production and supply of models (Template, overview, example)
  • BIM annex to the contract.

These BIM templates should be used as a proposal for the layout of documents and their minimum content, which will allow for the proper implementation of BIM to meet all the project and organisational requirements. These templates can be adapted to suit a project.

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Construction processes are subject to outdated procedures and sets of requirements, which prevent progress in the industry. The Polish Roadmap for BIM implementation is an attempt to outline the direction of changes that will allow the construction industry to shift to more modern and, at the same time, more effective ways of working.

Developing a national Roadmap and strategy for transformation is necessary, because due to the different specificity of the market and legal conditions in different countries, it is not possible to adopt new solutions by means of regulations.

The main goal of the Polish BIM Roadmap is to achieve a level of adoption similar to the British BIM implementation level by 2025, but enriched with many additional elements, such as Digital Twins, digital security in distributed processing technology, Lean methodology and ecology. The process of implementing BIM in Poland should be based both on top-down activities (legislative, standardisation, standardization and pilot) and self-organisation of the construction market in the form of bottom-up activities (organisation of work in Lean, integration of processes, systems and information).

Download the roadmap

The project “Digitization of the construction process in Poland” aims to change the national construction industry so it becomes more efficient. During meetings, attended by representatives of the European Commission, the Ministry of Development, Labour and Technology, the Contractor and a wide range of stakeholders, experiences were presented related to the implementation of the BIM methodology and the digitisation of construction. Examples from Poland and other countries across the world, as well as further steps planned by the Ministry of Development, Labour and Technology, were showcased, including the creation of a BIM Working Group / Steering Committee in accordance with the recommendations of a Roadmap, devised to form the basis for developing a strategy for the implementation of the BIM methodology in public procurement. The meetings were.

The project, started in November 2019, has been aimed at popularising BIM in the Polish construction market. From the very beginning, the project included meetings with stakeholders: investors, public entities, designers and general contractors. Entities and persons participating in the initial meetings also participated in subsequent events and in consultations of documents that were created within the project. This website contains links to many documents and resources relating to this project.

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Project Norway (Prosjekt Norge) is owned by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), with several other groups acting as academic partners. In addition, all state development agencies are partners, together with contractors, consulting companies and the Oil and Gas sector. Project Norway is set up as a national centre of expertise for the development of future project processes through research and knowledge sharing. The centre’s ambition is that project-based industries in Norway will be at the forefront internationally in value-creating and cost-effective project execution.

Its purpose is to initiate research and establish arenas for knowledge and experience sharing between academia, agencies such as asset owners and the business sector as suppliers within project-oriented activities. The project has a goal to support the continuous improvement of project execution among its partners by contributing to:

  • Better and common development processes with our partners
  • Create professional development in collaboration with the partners
  • Create increased quality and added value for the partners
  • Invite new developments through collaboration across the sectors
  • Link the development of new knowledge more closely with project managers and owners.

Digitalisation is about establishing a basis for automatic information exchange between people, systems and machines. It’s about creating an information ecosystem where all systems’ generated information is utilised to streamline and optimise all processes. Project Norway is working to identify how digitalisation will help the Norwegian construction industry. Digitalisation will provide new opportunities to leverage available information to:

  • Streamline and automate processes
  • Optimise and foster development
  • Share available information in order to take act faster and improve processes
  • Share available information in order to improve analysis and decision-making.

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