Digital planning and construction are to become the standards for federal infrastructure projects in Germany by 2020. The central element is the use of BIM as the basis of digital building models. BIM will help projects to deliver all data required for the lifecycle of a building, from planning, construction to operation, which can be recorded, exchanged and further processed between all parties involved in the project.
In October 2016, the BIM4INFRA2020 working group was commissioned by the former Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure to create important prerequisites for the implementation of the BIM step-by-step plan over a period of two years. These include:
- The development of an achievable level of performance for the introduction of BIM.
- The monitoring of the pilot projects and expansion of the pilot’s phase.
- Investigation of legal issues and development of recommendations for future contract design.
- Provision of appropriate guidelines and templates for the awarding and processing of BIM services, in particular BIM user cases.
- Identification of requirements for uniform data structures for the infrastructure sector – Development of a uniform database concept and a BIM library.
- Information and public relations.
The Construction Digitalization Center (BÅ«vniecÄ«bas digitalizÄcijas centrs, BDC) is a structural unit of Riga Technical University (RTU). BDC has been established to promote the acquisition of digital processes in the construction industry.
The BIM training programme was organised by RTU’s Construction Digitalization Center in cooperation with the CMB Engineering Competence Centre and procured by the Latvian National Standards’ body.
The programme provides live in-person and online training for the practical implementation of BIM in Latvian construction companies and the application of BIM on projects. It covers a wide range of subjects from general BIM awareness through to practical classes in working with specialised BIM software and BIM modelling. Participant feedback on the training has been shared with the Ministry of Economy to inform further development of the Latvia’s BIM Roadmap.
IBIMI is an association of professionals who aim to spread the digitalisation methods and professionalism of the international construction industry in Italy. BIM (Building Information Modelling) was introduced in public works in Italy with the Law 50/2016, based on the European Directive 24/2014. By 2025 all public works in Italy will have to be planned, executed and managed through BIM.
The association is a national and international reference point for the promotion of Open BIM is the ability of all professionals involved in the design, construction, management, maintenance and disposal of a building and civil infrastructure, to integrate with each other. This will allow the sharing and exchange of technical data through the use of interoperable software based on international standards.
The National BIM Council has developed this roadmap to digital transition for Ireland’s construction industry to increase adoption of BIM. BIM is at the centre of a digital transformation of the construction sector and more widely the built environment across the world. It is now time for Ireland to stimulate economic growth and competitiveness, while delivering value for public money through the wider and structured introduction of BIM, which is built on international standards and best practice.
The roadmap is designed to secure funding for digital transition, to set performance goals and to support the Programme ambitions of the Irish Government. This document is aligned to the Government’s commitment to the progressive adoption of BIM across the public sector’s capital programme. It also supports the key recommendations of the EU BIM Task Group’s Handbook for implementing BIM in the public sector.
TIP – For Roadmap content see: Section 6 – Page 14
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The BICP (BIM Innovation Capability Programme) has pulled together a selection of case studies in order to share current knowledge and lessons learnt on BIM projects. A number of case studies, focusing on best practice affecting BIM on Irish projects in the Irish and international markets, are provided. The BICP aims to release a case study bi-monthly.
BIM case studies are grouped under the following headings:
- Design- Focused
- Construction Focused
- Client/Facilities Management Focused
- SME Focused.
The BICP’s (BIM Innovation Capability Programme) Irish BIM Study builds on the findings from the BICP’s Global BIM Study by providing an in-depth review of BIM in Ireland, with regards to key government publications, BIM champions, existing standards and procurement routes, BIM training programmes, current initiatives and maturity within public and private sector projects.
The study provides a snapshot of BIM in Ireland in 2017, demonstrating the interest it has gained in recent years and the remarkable progress that Ireland has made in building BIM capability. In recent years, the emergence of a BIM programme in the UK and other initiatives across the world have provided a focus for the Irish industry.
The BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP) was set up by the Construction IT Alliance (CitA) and Enterprise Ireland to support BIM adoption in Ireland. The BICP seeks to capture the capability of the Irish Construction Industry and the Higher Education Institutes to respond to the increased requirement for BIM in Irish construction and engineering projects. The outputs of BICP will seek to influence the strategic use of BIM by key clients and procurement policy makers in Ireland.
BICP’s website presents the current work of the programme, as well as hosting many resources and links related to the adoption of BIM in Ireland. It also contains details of the BICP programme including the four work packages: Information Gathering, Consultation, In-depth Analysis and Disseminate Findings.
The Construction IT Alliance (CitA) BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP), funded by Enterprise Ireland, aims to capture the construction industry’s and academia’s capability to respond to the increased requirements for BIM in Irish construction projects. The BICP is a direct response to the ‘Construction 2020 report’, published in 2014. The report aims to promote the use of BIM and develop the appropriate technical skills amongst Irish construction firms so that they can compete in a market where BIM is a requirement. There are four distinct work packages to achieve the strategic objectives of the BICP, which include a systemic review of BIM adoption in international regions, with a particular focus on the enablers that can support national implementation programmes.
This Global BIM Study focusses on exploring the value proposition behind BIM adoption in international regions and what governments and professional bodies are doing to advance it. A number of countries from across different continents were explored as part of this study, as well as European countries. The study highlights the strategic importance of BIM to international governments and identifies the common themes or pillars present within international BIM programmes. These include public leadership, growth capability and industry capacity, building a common collaborative business environment and, above all, creating a more productive, less adversarial construction sector.
The document’s full title is Concept for the step-by-step introduction of modern, IT-supported processes and technologies in the design, construction and operation of structures – step-by-step plan for the introduction of BIM – final report (Konzept zur schrittweisen Einführung moderner, IT-gestützter Prozesse und Technologien bei Planung, Bau und Betrieb von Bauwerken – Stufenplan zur Einführung von BIM – Endbericht)
Everyone involved in the planning, construction and operation of construction projects – including public and private builders, architects, planners, software manufacturers, contractors, suppliers and operators – should have a common vision and strategy for the implementation of integrated, model-oriented working. This vision and strategy should include short- and long-term goals in the form of a step-by-step plan. This phased plan must address the weakest links in the supply chain and give the market sufficient time to prepare.
The former Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure has taken up this recommendation and, based on international examples, it published a phased plan for the introduction of BIM in the transport sector, which covers the use of BIM in new projects to be planned in Germany from the end of 2020. Prior to 2020, the skills, capacities and foundations should be created through collaboration. For this purpose, BIM pilot projects have been carried out and scientifically evaluated.
At the strategic level, the step-by-step plan proposed in this final report includes a guiding approach, principles and a vision for the German construction industry in the digital age. For the operational level, the plan describes in detail an initial performance level for the application of the Building Information Modelling (BIM) method in projects. It then defines a basic reference process for the creation and transfer of digital data in construction projects. By consistently applying this process, the advantages of the method, such as increased planning security, transparency and efficiency, can be achieved in a cost-effective manner and with little risk. This final report also proposes to give the overall market sufficient advance notice of what to expect.
An archive version of this information article has been created if the original is no longer accessible (Archive information from January 2024)