Centre for Digital Built Croatia
FSRE has issued new Information Exchange Requirements (EIR) that address all information and related processes at design time. In recent years, there has been rapid development in the handling of digital building information in civil engineering. For more than a decade, FSRE has been using the BIM methodology in the design of larger buildings that the organization oversees. Now the organization has published new BIM requirements or Information Communication Requirements (EIR) with reference to ISO 19650 which now address all information and processes related to it during design.
Building Information Modeling (BIM) for federal buildings is a cooperative working methodology with which, based on digital models of a building, the information and data relevant to its life cycle are consistently recorded, managed and exchanged between those involved in transparent communication or handed over for further processing become. This information and data is documented digitally throughout and according to a uniform structure. Further information can be found in the BMVg information flyer (see downloads). To implement the BIM method for federal buildings, the goals and implementation strategy were described in a master plan. This is, among other things, the basis for a BIM manual in which the work aids (AH) required for operational safety are gradually developed and published for all relevant subject areas. The master plan and completed AH are available for download in the download area.
BIM Deutschland is the national center for the digitalization of the construction industry. It is the federal government’s central public contact point for information and activities relating to Building Information Modeling (BIM) and is operated jointly by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) and the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Construction (BMWSB).
This, relating to the year 2022, is the sixth analytical report produced by OICE on public tenders for the awarding of architectural and engineering services (S.A.I.) which involve the use of BIM methodologies or, better said, the electronic modeling of the design phase.
We understand that successful digitization of the construction industry requires designers, architects, engineers, project managers and construction supervisors who know how to work with these technologies. Their preparation is currently a major challenge for the education system. To this end, the NRA has established a BIM expert group that brings together skilled technology enthusiasts and oversees the effective use of BIM in construction projects and, in the future, in building management. The company employs many young specialists who know how to use modern technologies, are not afraid to experiment and test new ideas in practice, and are ready to share their experience with others. Our experts participate in and organize in-demand seminars on practical aspects of using BIM. In organizing them, the NRA tends to cooperate with the Ministry of Economics and SIA “Latvian State Standard”. Thus, the NRA shares good practices and promotes faster inclusion of BIM requirements in construction procurement throughout the Latvian public sector. At the end of 2020, the NRA signed a memorandum of cooperation with Riga Technical University. It will be a useful exchange of knowledge and experience for both parties, which will help to create new innovations.
e-Leap in Construction From the recovery and resilience facility’s funds for digital transformation in enterprises 4,5 million euros will be invested in digitalizing the Estonian construction sector. Under the name ehituse e-hüpe / e-leap in construction the funding programme is aimed at Estonian companies and institutions working in or with the construction sector, in order to develop or use digital tools and to expand the services offered on the Estonian e-construction platform. The programme is managed by Estonian Ministry of Economy together with the State Shared Service Centre.
Various examples of BIM uses on projects
Includes BIM progress and requirements.