The UK BIM Alliance has prepared this ‘position statement’ on digital twins to clarify the relationship between BIM and digital twins, to complement discussions in various work groups within the National Digital Twin (NDT) programme by the Centre for Digital Built Britain (CDBB).
With discussions taking place around the world on this important topic, the UK BIM Alliance thought it best to formally publish a positioning statement as a ‘go to’ resource for anyone partaking in the various discussions.
Provides an international framework for the creation of a information Schema for the Railway infrastructure domain
This guidance was issued in July 2019 by the UK BIM Alliance, BSI and CDDB as a complement to?Information Management according to BS EN ISO 19650 – Guidance Part 1: Concepts, published in April 2019.
It aims to help UK businesses and public clients understand the processes indicated in ISO 19650, with a focus on the different parties and their team activities referred in the standard: the Appointing Party, Lead Appointed Party and Appointed Party; the Project Team, Delivery Team and Task Team.?
The guidance explains the role of each party by summarising their activities and outputs at each stage of the construction project, for instance how to coordinate information requirements, delivery milestones and information standards. It covers how to establish the information protocol, the management of the common data environment, how the information should be shared, reviewed and eventually archived alongside the lessons learned to help with future projects.??
It details how each party fits into a team and across teams, which documents need compiling, which resources need sourcing and/or mobilising, how information models are assessed for compliance and which party is in charge of, say, establishing the delivery team’s capability and capacity.
A summary provides an overview of the Information Management Process, divided in stages, from Assessment and Need through Tender, Appointment, Mobilization, Collaborative Production of information and Information Model Delivery to Project Close-out.
An archive version of this information article has been created if the original is no longer accessible (Archive information from January 2024)
An archive version of this information article has been created if the original is no longer accessible (Archive information from January 2024)
The field of construction is one of the most important industries for most countries, which affects the efficiency of the entire management system, including the state of the environment. The importance of this industry for the economy of any country can be explained by the fact that capital construction creates a large number of jobs and is the main consumer of intermediate products and related services. Due to its economic importance, the results of the construction sector can significantly affect the development of the economy as a whole. The economic benefit of the development of this industry is the multiplier effect of funds invested in construction and interconnected processes. After all, with the development of the construction industry are developing: production of building materials and equipment for their manufacture, engineering, metallurgy and metalworking, petrochemistry, glass production, woodworking and porcelain industry, transport, energy and more. Also, construction creates the basis for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, thus creating new jobs. Thus, the growth of the construction industry contributes to the strengthening of the country’s economy and solves many social problems. The construction industry is one of the key sectors of any economy. For example, in the EU its share is 9% of GDP, while in Ukraine this value is at 3.97% of GDP, although with a gradual increase in recent years. It should be noted that construction consists of three main sectors: residential, non-residential (commercial and social) and infrastructure. In Europe, in 2016, 78% of all construction was residential and non-residential, and the remaining 22% were engineering structures.
This report talks through the current state of the construction industry in Ukraine and then goes on to illustrate and explain the problem that needs to be solved. The main conclusion of the document comes in the sections around ways to implement BIM for success and the expected results which this can deliver.
An archive version of this information article has been created if the original is no longer accessible (Archive information from January 2024)
The Ministry of Communities and Territories is the Ukrainian government ministry responsible for public housing infrastructure development. The Ministry was established in 2005 as the Ministry of Construction, Architecture, Public Housing and Utilities. It also can be considered as a successor of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture that existed before 1994. In 2007-2010 the ministry was split into two: Ministry of Regional Development & Construction and Ministry of Public Housing and Utilities.
The purpose of adopting the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On approval of the Concept of implementation of technologies of construction information modelling (VIM-technologies) in Ukraine and approval of the action plan for its implementation” is to determine the principles and mechanisms for implementing state policy on the introduction of construction information modeling technologies as a tool for further reform, modernization and digital transformation of the construction industry of Ukraine.
The draft act proposes the introduction of phased, gradual modernization and digital transformation of the construction industry of Ukraine through the introduction of construction information modeling with the simultaneous creation of appropriate conditions, including the implementation of regulatory and regulatory and regulatory regulation of the processes of implementation of projects for the construction and operation of buildings and structures.
The Association “Information Modeling Technologies in Construction” was established in Ukraine in June 2018 as a voluntary association of legal entities, with the aim of non-profit activities aimed at promoting the development, popularization and implementation of information modeling technologies in the construction industry of Ukraine. The members carry out the implementation of this goal through the provision of engineering and information and consulting intellectual services in the field of construction activities. The motto of the Association is ‘Bright Ideas TrustÂ’, where BRIGHT IDEAS refer to innovative construction solutions based primarily on the introduction of information technology (BIM), and TRUST is the basic principle of activity of all members and partners of the Association among themselves. The groups mission is to Combine enterprises and organizations to develop consolidated proposals for the development and promotion of information modeling technologies in the construction industry of the domestic and international market through effective interregional and international integration. The mission also includes participation in the formation of the regulatory framework, including national BIM standards, in accordance with the needs of society and the market.
The association website contains many resources related to BIM adoption in Ukraine, including, standards and a roadmap for BIM implemtentation. The web site also contains sections with guidance on BIM for clients, contractors, designers and operators to help them with their BIM journey. The website contains links to news, events and other useful publications.
The Civic Association BIM Association Slovakia is a non-profit organisation focused on the application of BIM technology to professional practice at the level of all participants in the design and construction process throughout the construction life cycle. The main task of the civic association is the promotion, popularisation and development of the possibility and application of this technology in the Slovak Republic. It aims to promote systemic implementation of BIM in Slovakia and provide support for the creation a legislative and standard framework, supporting efficient work and transparent management of finances primarily in the field of construction. It also promotes the principles and benefits of BIM among designers in all project phases and across all departments, but also in the next stages of construction and subsequent operation and maintenance.
The website contains details of BIM conferences from 2016 to date, as well as various articles and details of events that support the implementation of BIM in Slovakia.