Australian State and Territory Governments recognise the value of BIM in the delivery and management of buildings and infrastructure assets across Australia. BIM offers many benefits throughout the asset’s lifecycle and has the potential to drive efficiency, value for money, productivity and innovation. Governments are committed to enabling and supporting Australian industry and asset owners to take advantage of the opportunities provided by BIM in design, construction and asset lifecycle management.
The Australian BIM Strategic Framework is the first key step to establishing a basis for governments to adopt a consistent national approach to BIM in major building and infrastructure construction projects. Australian industry also shares a responsibility for ensuring that it develops capability, expertise and skills.
Government policy and public procurement are powerful tools to support such a transformation. State’s and Territory’s leadership will encourage the development of industry’s capability and the adoption of BIM in large government building and infrastructure projects, while enhancing the opportunity to significantly improve the productivity of construction activities and asset management.
An archive version of this information article has been created if the original is no longer accessible (Archive information from January 2024)
This Overview Report by the Australasian BIM Advisory Board (ABAB)’s Technical Working Group 1 is a first step towards developing BIM process consistency for the digital design, construction and operation of an asset – A Common Framework.
The Report reflects the collective experience of a number of public capital works delivery agencies, public policy makers, and asset operators from across Australia. Ideas were also sought from leading practitioners. Their experience, learnings and knowledge are critical to shaping BIM common practices and standards to be applied across Australia. Proven practices will establish the benchmark for BIM adopters, thereby enabling greater levels of BIM process consistency in its application across the construction sector and the supply chain.
The Report should not be read as a technical guide to BIM technology, its applications or standards as this information can be found in some other sources, including NATSPEC and buildingSMART. The use of other reports and documents from related BIM initiatives (such as the BIM Knowledge and Skills Framework from ACIF and APCC and the National Guidelines for Infrastructure Project Delivery from the Federal Government) is highly recommended in pursuit of a consistent approach within the industry. This document points to, and encourages, the use of these standards and applications to stimulate wider benefits across the supply chain from a public client’s perspective.
An archive version of this information article has been created if the original is no longer accessible (Archive information from January 2024)
The BIM Advisory Board was established by the Australasian Procurement and Construction Council (APCC) and the Australian Construction Industry Forum (ACIF), together with the key standard-setting bodies, NATSPEC, buildingSMART and Standards Australia. They have produced a number of resources, including a guide to the adoption of BIM. Two recent Australian Government reports (SmartICT and the Australian Infrastructure Report) recommended an integrated approach between government, industry and researchers for the development of BIM in Australia.
The Australasian Advisory Board’s membership consists of those organisations who have a pivotal role to play in influencing and leading the adoption and changes required for the optimum delivery of construction projects through BIM. It is a team of experts from government construction policy agencies, peak construction associations and standard setting bodies who share their valuable knowledge, skill and experience to set goals and deliver on the Advisory Board’s strategic direction.
The BIM Advisory Board has defined the strategic framework for BIM in Australia. Its vision includes improved productivity and asset outcomes. It is hoped to be achieved by the Board’s strategy to take a leadership and coordinating role in the consistent adoption of BIM and associated integration and collaborative processes. The website contains a download link to the strategic framework.