The Federal Government created the Committee for Strategic Implementation of the Building Information Modelling (CE-BIM) in June 2017 to formulate a strategy that would align public and private sector initiatives and boost the use of BIM in Brazil. This document (Estratégia Nacional de Disseminação do Building Information Modelling – BIM) was produced to encourage the development of the construction sector and bring more cost effectiveness and greater transparency to the bidding processes, in addition to contributing to the optimisation of process maintenance and asset management.
The report gives the strategy, specific objectives, indicators and targets, a roadmap from 2018 to 2028, and information on the escalation of BIM.
This document from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides an example of a national-level BIM roadmap focussed specifically on highways and roads.
The objective of the Roadmap outlined in this document is to help state Departments of Transportation (DOTs) strategically develop a uniform, nationwide framework related to BIM for infrastructure, open data-exchange standards and methods for adopting those standards. BIM tools and a robust personnel training and upskilling programme are also included.
These state-led and FHWA-supported actions can then become the basis for planning and implementing BIM for infrastructure to better deliver projects and transportation services at the state’s DOT level. Adopting BIM for infrastructure with a coordinated approach will allow the greater highway industry to make investments with fewer concerns about differing requirements across the states.
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The Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana, MITMA) has developed es.movilidad, the Safe, Sustainable and Connected Mobility Strategy 2030. This will guide MITMA’s actions in the field of mobility, infrastructure and transport in the next 10 years and was approved by the Council of Ministers on December 10, 2021. MITMA wants to respond to the challenges in mobility and transport posed by the 21st century. These challenges are marked by global changes, such as the need to decarbonise the economy and respond to climate change, the emergence – often disruptive – of new technologies and the increasing concentration of population in large cities. MITMA aims to prioritise investments that bring social benefits, such as, for example, the adequate maintenance and conservation of the built environment, daily mobility, digitalisation, intermodality and security.
Understanding mobility as a right, an element of social cohesion and an opportunity for economic growth, the Strategy aims to provide solutions to the real problems of citizens, as well as to guarantee an efficient, sustainable and resilient transport and logistics system, whose importance has been underlined during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana, MITMA) holds the Presidency and Secretariat of the Interministerial Commission for the incorporation of the BIM Methodology in the public tender, (Comisión Interministerial para la incorporación de la MetodologÃa BIM, CBIM). It contemplates the sustainable management of resources and the circular economy, as well as digital innovation in its Urban Agenda. The Ministry has included the use of the BIM methodology in the discussion document of the Safe Mobility Strategy, Sustainable and Connected 2030 (Estrategia de Movilidad segura, sostenible y conectada 2030), which is being developed.
MITMA aligns Spain’s transport and infrastructure policy with the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations and with the recent Communications of the European Commission related to the digitalisation of construction in the European Union.
The BIM Commission is an Interministerial Commission, a collegiate body of a temporary nature whose purpose is to promote and guarantee the coordination of the General State Administration, and its public bodies and entities of public law in the implementation of the BIM methodology in public procurement. It was created by Royal Decree 1515/2018 and constituted in April 2019. The Commission has 5 key functions:
- Develop a plan for the incorporation of a BIM methodology.
- Follow the measure contained in the plan.
- Carry out informative actions and staff training.
- Represent Spain in international forums.
- Receive and exchange information between the different ministries.
Every year, Spain sends a National Reform and a National Stability programme to the Council of Ministers of the European Union and the European Commission. This submission is made in compliance with European Union obligations, which request all Member States to submit their National Reform and Stability Programmes to the European Commission. The aim is to coordinate national economic policies and achieve the objectives set for the European Union as a whole.
The National Reform Programme (Programa Nacional De Reformas, PNR) 2019 explains the current and future state of the Spanish economy. It considers elements such as GDP and employment as well as more specific topics around Infrastructure development, in particular sustainability and digital transformation.
Over the last two decades, the Spanish government has been adopting programmes for digital progress, aligned with the European digital agendas, which have served as a framework to promote a process of infrastructure deployment and development. The aim is to develop a business and technological ecosystem in a key area for economic productivity, territorial structure and social progress. Thus, the Info XXI Plan, the Españ Program, the Avanza Plan and, lastly, the Digital Agenda for Spain of February 2013 have enabled a strategic approach that has guided a major public and private investment effort in this field. Most of these digital strategies and agendas have been articulated around four lines of action: (1) the deployment of networks and services for digital connectivity; (2) the digitisation of the economy; (3) the improvement of electronic administration, and (4) training in digital skills. Although progress has been significant in all areas, the public and private investment emphasis has been clearly focused on the extension of physical telecommunications networks.
Digital Spain 2025 (España Digital 2025) includes a set of measures, reforms and investments, articulated in 10 strategic axes, aligned with the digital policies set by the European Commission. The actions of the Agenda are aimed at promoting more sustainable and inclusive growth, driven by the synergies of the digital and ecological transitions, which reach society as a whole and reconcile the new opportunities offered by the digital world with respect for constitutional values and the protection of individual and collective rights:
- Guarantee adequate digital connectivity for 100% of the population, promoting the disappearance of the digital divide between rural and urban areas.
- Continue to lead the deployment of 5G technology in Europe, encouraging its contribution to increased economic productivity, social progress and territorial structure.
- Strengthen the digital skills of workers and citizens as a whole.
- Reinforce Spain’s capacity in cybersecurity, consolidating its position as one of the European poles of business capacity.
- Promote the digitisation of Public Administrations.
- Accelerate the digitisation of companies, with special attention to SMEs and start-ups.
- Accelerate the digitisation of the production model through sectoral transformation tractor projects that generate structural effects.
- Improve the attractiveness of Spain as a European platform for business, work and investment in the audio-visual field.
- Promote the transition to a data economy, guaranteeing security and privacy and taking advantage of the opportunities offered by Artificial Intelligence.
- Guarantee the rights of citizens in the new digital environment.
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In 2015 the Resource Centre for Building Technologies and Innovation (CRTI-B, Centre de Ressources des Technologies et de l’Innovation pour le Bâtiment,) launched the first steps for the development and implementation of a national strategy for BIM. The BIM working groups in Luxembourg are under the guidance of the CRTI-B, which, as a neutral construction platform – has brought together a table of experts made up of different construction actors. The intention was to create a cross-sectoral working group including clients, architects, consulting engineers, contractors, scientific researchers and project managers. The CRTI-B aims to define, document, introduce and keep up to date standards governing construction projects’ contracts.
In view of the great interest in the subject of BIM in Luxembourg, and taking into account the different economic actors involved, different “working sub-groups” have been created to organise the development of BIM related projects more efficiently. To better meet the needs of all construction stakeholders, the CRTI-B launched the website on July 14, 2017, which will serve as a centralised platform for all matters relating to the digitisation of the construction sector. This website contains several resources including details on classification, training, BIM application and interoperability documents.
RB Rail AS is a multi-national joint venture of the Republics of Estonia, Latvia and Lituania, which has been established to implement Rail Baltica, the largest Baltic-region infrastructure project in the last 100 years with a goal of integrating the Baltic states into the European rail network. The Rail Baltica BIM documentation includes overview presentations (video & PDF) along with a comprehensive package of programme-specific BIM guidance and templates aligned with international standards.
Presentations cover Rail Baltica’s BIM Implementation Vision and Strategy in addition to presentations from recent events. The Full BIM Guidelines Package can be downloaded as a single *.zip package and contains the BIM Manual, BIM Employer’s Information Requirements (EIR), BIM Execution Plan (BEP) Template, Codification Tables and instructions, BIM Objects Attribute Matrix, BIM Objects Level of Geometric Detail (LoG) Matrix and instructions, Task Information Delivery Plan (TIDP) Template, Master Information Delivery Plan (MIDP) Template, BIM Delivery Report Template, Quantity Extraction (QEX) Template, Quantity Take Off (QTO) Template, DataDrop Template, CAD Template and instructions and Clash Check Report Template.
The Ministry of Economics – in cooperation with other state institutions and capital companies, representatives of the construction sector, educational institutions and construction customers – developed a Roadmap for the implementation of BIM in Latvia.
The Roadmap sets out the case for change, programme vision, targeted benefits, schedules, lines of action and key activities. It provides a focus for national transformation and demonstrates public leadership.
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This site is the primary destination for public sector information regarding the implementation of BIM in Latvia. It provides a summary on what BIM is and why it is important to Latvia, along with links to resources such as the Latvia BIM roadmap
Reinforcing public sector commitment to BIM transformation, this content is replicated under the policy section of the Ministry of Economics’ website.