Prepared by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, and approved by the Goverment of the Republic of Lithuania.
This document was published on the 12th August 2020 and is the decision of the Government on the approval of the establishment of Lithuanian national construction information classification system (NSIK).
Lithuanian national construction information classification system (also known as NSIK – in Lithuanian Nacionalinis Statybos Informacijos Klasifikatorius) is one of the essential measures to ensure general application of Building Information Modelling (BIM) methods based on collaboration. Lithuanian national construction information classification system is being planned for 2023 and will be prepared by implementing BIM-LT project.

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Provides an international framework for the creation of a information Schema for the Railway infrastructure domain

This guidance was issued in July 2019 by the UK BIM Alliance, BSI and CDDB as a complement to?Information Management according to BS EN ISO 19650 – Guidance Part 1: Concepts, published in April 2019.
It aims to help UK businesses and public clients understand the processes indicated in ISO 19650, with a focus on the different parties and their team activities referred in the standard: the Appointing Party, Lead Appointed Party and Appointed Party; the Project Team, Delivery Team and Task Team.?
The guidance explains the role of each party by summarising their activities and outputs at each stage of the construction project, for instance how to coordinate information requirements, delivery milestones and information standards. It covers how to establish the information protocol, the management of the common data environment, how the information should be shared, reviewed and eventually archived alongside the lessons learned to help with future projects.??
It details how each party fits into a team and across teams, which documents need compiling, which resources need sourcing and/or mobilising, how information models are assessed for compliance and which party is in charge of, say, establishing the delivery team’s capability and capacity.
A summary provides an overview of the Information Management Process, divided in stages, from Assessment and Need through Tender, Appointment, Mobilization, Collaborative Production of information and Information Model Delivery to Project Close-out.

The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) is a public standards organization whose mission is to foster the economy of the European Single Market and the wider European continent in global trading, the welfare of European citizens and the environment by providing an efficient infrastructure to interested parties for the development, maintenance and distribution of coherent sets of standards and specifications. CEN is one of three European Standardization Organizations (together with CENELEC and ETSI) that have been officially recognized by the European Union and by the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) as being responsible for developing and defining voluntary standards at European level.

CEN TC 442 is the technical committee working under CEN with the purpose of supporting the creation and management of BIM related standards. The scope of CEN TC 442 is BIM standardization in the field of structured semantic life-cycle information for the built environment. The committee aim to develop a structured set of standards, specifications and reports which specify methodologies to define, describe, exchange, monitor, record and securely handle asset data, semantics and processes with links to geospatial and other external data. Through this website you can see all of the work completed and published to date as well as the current workplan for upcoming developments.

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BIM Loket is working towards a sector in which working with BIM and open standards is the norm. As part of this they need to develop information and training related to BIM to upskill the industry and increase the capability to deliver these requirements. The BIM Loket website contains lots of information and support documentation like this foundation to information delivery. Collaboration is better if the information we build on is interchangeable, structured, unambiguous, correct, complete and reusable. The BIM basic information delivery specification (BIM basis ILS) is a good first step for making this ambition a reality.

The ILS Design & Engineering was created to communicate the information needs for the design and engineering phase unambiguously and recognizably. This specifies what information must be present in the process, where, and when. Not knowing when and where to provide or expect information causes frustrations, errors and an inefficient process. This problem seems to be becoming increasingly acute due to the increasing computerization and digitization. In our fragmented sector, an organization alone will not be able to break this ban and we must collectively implement structural improvements. The ILS O&E symbolizes the activation of the collective and the integral approach.
The solution offered is to make sure that we understand each other, for this, there must be an understanding of the content on the one hand and recognition of the way of communicating on the other. With the launch of ILS O&E, the sector has a tool with which organizations within projects can create a project-specific ILS. Alignment has been found on content and the way of communicating. By standardizing the demand side (communicating the information needs), the supply side can organize itself more efficiently and effectively. This will contribute in its entirety to the integrality of the design process and the transfer of information to production.

BIM Loket is working towards a sector in which working with BIM and open standards is the norm. As part of this they need to develop information and training related to BIM to upskill the industry and increase the capability to deliver these requirements. The BIM Loket website contains lots of information and support documentation like this Atlas of Open BIM Standards. In the Atlas of open BIM standards you will find an overview of the various standards, and their mutual relationships from different angles. In addition to the existing relationships, the atlas also describes desired, future relationships. In this way, the atlas provides input for the BIM Loket’s plans for the coming years. The appendix contains a more detailed description per standard, including the relationships with the other standards.

The atlas not only describes the standards that are managed at BIM Loket, but also related standards of our partner organizations and important international standards and norms. In the document “Roadmap standards analysis c1” the relationships between all these standards have been explored in more detail. Both documents form the input for the (further) development of the Roadmap standards in 2020. The Roadmap, in turn, forms input for the BIM Loket’s long-term plan. In addition, the Roadmap is important input for the Digital Built Environment System (DSGO), which will be set up in the coming years in the context of digitization movement for the construction of digiGO.

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The Building Information Council (Bouw Informatie Raad, or BIR) promotes widespread application of BIM in the Dutch construction and infrastructure industry. BIR is a unique partnership between various stakeholders in the construction industry, where the members represent both their construction industry segment and their own company. They make practical agreements that are in the interests of the entire industry and ensure these are implemented within their own segment. The partnership focuses on implementing BIM to strengthen the quality, continuity and competitive position of the Dutch construction and infrastructure industry. The resources cotained on the website help to accelerate the development and adoption of BIM within the Netherlands.

This two page leaflet has been written to givs insight into the Open BIM standards already available in the Netherlands. It is on this overview that the Building Information CouncilÂ’s BIM standards policy is based. This leaflet explains how to use open standards, what an open standard is, and why we need open standards. The document highlights the various open standards available with descriptions of each.

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