SIBIM Library

Ministry of Public Works, Argentina
Jan, 17 2022

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SIBIM is the Ministry of Public Works’ (Ministerio de Obras Públicas) BIM task force, which aims to implement BIM in the different areas of public affairs in Argentina. It is part of the Strategic Plan for Digital Transformation of the Ministry, consisting of the implementation of technological tools that contribute to making national public projects more transparent, participatory and efficient. The documents of the SIBIM library are created to guide the implementation process. For more information contact:

The main objectives of SIBIM are to:

  • Develop an orderly set of principles, guidelines and procedures to regulate and establish a work methodology.
  • Study alternatives that promote national alignment in relation to efficiency in information management, quality in public works, and inclusion and neutrality in the use of technologies.
  • Generate references to expand the use of BIM in Argentina.

SIBIM’s documents are the result of national and international experiences, and are in continuous development. These documents are freely downloadable. Also relevant is the SIBIM’s YouTube channel.

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