National Guidelines – Lifecycle Information for the Built Environment

BIM Alliance Sweden

Effective information management in design, construction and administration requires order in many details. There are several standards that facilitate the processes and it is important to have consistent concepts and codes for different applications. The work in all parts of the processes, from early planning, through design and construction and to long-term management, is facilitated by consistency and standardisation. For efficient handling at all levels, common requirements and instructions are crucial. National Guidelines (Nationella Riktlinjer) have been developed to provide such common requirements and instructions, which adhere to established standards and accepted practices. These guidelines will be managed and further developed as new standards are established and new experiences are gained.

The purpose of the Guidelines is to simplify, streamline and harmonise the requirements and management of digital information for the built environment. They are created for those who make demands on digital information and for those who are affected by the demands. The guidelines can be applied for project implementation and asset management; they are suitable for buildings and infrastructure projects. They are developed as a basis for setting requirements for digital information deliveries and for meeting such a requirement.

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