Shared resources underpin the strength of the Network’s Information Collection
The Global BIM Network is calling for more resources for its growing digital knowledge base, the Information Collection. The Collection already contains over 500 resources from over 60 countries. It includes articles, guidance and policy documents to facilitate the strategic introduction of BIM.
Recent analysis of the many resources available on the Information Collection highlights the common outputs from BIM change programmes. It details the information available by transformational state and region, and provides insight into the number and type of resources available.
Transformational states
Almost half of the Collection’s current resources relate to the developing state, followed by documents relating to mobilising. The Network is keen to build up its resources focusing on the three other states: justifying, implementing and scaling.

For the justifying state, the Network is seeking more resources on public leadership, capability and capacity building. Documents such as external or peer landscape review, formal approval to commence or continue, and policy / public commitment will help complement existing materials. While for the scaling state, the Network is looking for more resources on incentives and enforcements, capacity building solutions, Communities of Practice, case studies and lessons learned, progress and benefits realisation reporting, and detailed guidance for specific contexts, sectors, or projects to help scale wider adoption and drive continuous improvement.
A regional breakdown shows that the highest number of current resources are from Europe and Latin America. The Network is calling for more documents relating to Africa and North America.

When broken down by type, guidance documents are by far the largest group of resources, followed by standards, and templates or tools. The Network is encouraging organizations that develop resources such as Responsibility Matrices, as part of collaborative frameworks, and learning frameworks or pilot projects focused on building capability and capacity, to share such materials on the website.

The Information Collection can be used in conjunction with the Network’s newly released Public Sector Construction Digital Transformation Playbook. Both the Playbook and the Information Collection are free online resources.
Let the Global BIM Network know of any additional resources for the Information Collection. The Network is especially keen to add more content on the justifying, implementing and scaling states, and to receive more resources relating to programmes in Africa and North America.