Application guide CSN EN ISO 19650

Czech Agency for Standardisation

Technical standards for BIM mostly describe the writing of certain data and information, and are not intended for general users, but rather for authors of software tools and a group of experts in the field. An exception however, is the CSN EN ISO 19650 standards, which describe processes and data handling. The standard serves as a guide for refining procedures so that the data generated meets the expectations of those who needed it. This Application Guide for ISO 19650 has been written and published by the Czech National Standards body CSN.

The set of technical standards CSN EN ISO 19650 is intended for all persons and organizations involved in the whole life cycle of the construction .Historically, it is customary that Czech technical standards are written directly as a guide. In this case, it is necessary to consider that the standards taken over from international participants are not specific guidelines, but principles and rules. Specific implementation and use, setting up your own processes, documents and the forms are up to the user or are subject to further specification at national level. This guide will explain the aspects of how ISO19650 should be applied to projects.


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