BIM Protocol

BIM Portal Belgium

In order to promote the emergence of BIM in Belgium and to harmonize its implementation in projects, the Belgian Building Research Institute (BBRI) has developed, in collaboration with the BIM Cluster (a collection of industry organisations), the Belgian BIM protocol and execution plan (protocole et plan d’exécution BIM belges). These apply to building projects and are available in French and Dutch. They are the result of the collaboration of experienced construction professionals from various fields, as well as professional federations and organisations such as Confédération Construction, Bouwunie, NAV (Netwerk Architecten Vlaanderen) and ORI (Engineering and Consulting Offices).

The use of BIM in a construction project requires close collaboration between the different partners, which relies on good communication and clear agreements. These are defined and gathered in a BIM protocol and a BIM execution plan. In order to help the project’s partners to draft these documents in a coherent manner, the Belgian Building Research Institute (BBRI) has drawn up, in collaboration with industry, a series of reference documents. The general template and the guide that accompanies it will serve as a common basis for all BIM projects – even if adaptations are made according to the specificities of each project.

Read the Protocol


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