The European Construction Industry Manifesto for Digitalisation
In 2018, four major European industry federations, CECE, Construction Products Europe, EBC and FIEC, organised a joint event under the framework of the “EU Industry days” to discuss a common approach towards digitalisation for the construction industry.
By working together with other organisations from the construction value chain the document ‘Smarter Construction, Stronger Economy, Inclusive Society: The European Construction Industry Manifesto for Digitalisation’, was published.
It was supported by 23 European industry organisations, representing a whole range of stakeholders within the construction value chain.
The manifesto outlines why the digitalisation of the construction sector must be one of the main priorities of the EU political agenda because:
- the European Union must take the political lead on digital construction
- an appropriate regulatory framework on data policy is necessary
- the new EU budget must focus on digital skills, R&D and deployment of IT infrastructure.
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