Santa Catarina BIM Strategy

Government of Santa Catarina

In 2015, the BIM Laboratory of Santa Catarina was created, known as LaBIM-SC, which was part of the BIM GOV SUL Network together with the states of Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul. LaBIM-SC was in charge of preparing case studies, with the aim of maximizing the potential gains with the use of the BIM methodology applied to projects, execution and inspection of works, as well as management and operation of assets.

There are numerous initiatives within the scope of the Federal Government for the adoption of BIM in Brazil, one of them is the publication of Decree nº 9.983, in 2019, which established the National Strategy for the Dissemination of BIM. This action, in addition to structuring the adoption of BIM at the federal level, also fostered and encouraged the use of BIM in state projects and works.

In order to coordinate and structure BIM actions in Catarina, Decree No. 1,370 of 2021 was published, which establishes the State Strategy for the Implementation and Dissemination of BIM in Santa Catarina (BIM SC Strategy) and the Technical Committee of the BIM SC Strategy (CT-BIM SC), currently formed by eleven public entities. This document shares the BIM Roadmap as well as the 10 objectives of the strategy which include:

  1. Disseminate the BIM concept and its benefits
  2. Coordinate the structuring of the public sector for the adoption of BIM
  3. Promote organizational, cultural and process changes for the adoption of BIM
  4. Create conditions for the adoption of the BIM methodology throughout the construction life cycle
  5. Stimulate and promote training in BIM
  6. Propose regulatory acts that establish parameters for purchases and public contracts with the use of BIM
  7. Develop technical standards, guides and specific protocols for the adoption of BIM
  8. Develop the portal and BIM SC library
  9. Stimulate the development and application of new technologies related to BIM
  10. Encourage competition in the market through neutral standards of BIM interoperability

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