Standardisation of Finland’s Built Environment Information Management

Ministry of the Environment

Following common international standards in information management would significantly improve the profitability of the real estate and construction sector. It could also increase cooperation among the different organisations. Through the RASTI project launched under the ‘KIRA-digi’ process the Ministry of the Environment is now building a strategy for the use of international standards. The aim of the RASTI project is to improve the efficiency of information management in Finland’s built environment by up to 50%. In the long term this would mean annual cost savings of about EUR 300 million. At the moment there are several international and local, partly overlapping standards relating to information management, and it is a challenge for operators in the real estate and construction sector to choose the most suitable ones.

The RASTI project is implemented by a group of experts from a consortium of companies brought together by the buildingSMART Finland Forum. In the project a proposal will be prepared concerning the harmonised use of international information management standards in the real estate and construction sector, followed by a strategy on how the target state is to be reached by 2030. At the same time, the project will also help operators in the sector to understand better the importance of joint information management and to commit to implementing the strategy. This website contains all of the news, blogs, links and downloads related to the progress of the RASTI project.


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