Statsbygg BIM Requirements (New Build)
Statsbygg is the Norwegian state’s key advisor in construction and real estate matters, including property owners, managers and developers.
All projects in Statsbygg are, unless otherwise agreed, submitted in accordance with the requirements of Statsbygg’s BIM manual. Machine validation of model files makes it possible to assess the progress of model and quality of model deliverables related to a project phase.
A system called SIMBA compares reviews models against Statsbygg’s BIM requirements. SIMBA 2.0 contains a completely new set of requirements (claim set templates), regardless of requirements in previous BIM manuals (although relevant requirements from previous documents in many cases have been continued), and the claims sets are set up only for intended use against IFC4 models.
The set of requirements also includes a new methodology for communicating the need for information on given objects between the disciplines. In addition, a number of requirements have been added for the purpose of being able to reuse information in the BIM model throughout the project and the building’s lifecycle.
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