The Confederation of Digital Contruction Practitioners (CDCP India)

The Confederation of Digital Contruction Practitioners

India aims to spend $1.4 Trillion building Infrastructure. Prime Minister launched Gati Shakti – National Master Plan for Multi-modal Connectivity, essentially a digital platform to bring 16 Ministries including Railways and Roadways together for integrated planning and coordinated implementation of infrastructure connectivity projects with the goal of developing infrastructure to lower logistic costs and improve the economy. Digitalization and BIM will play a very important role in helping India achieve its Infrastructure Goals. CDCPIndia has been conceived by veterans from the industry who has been directly or indirectly practicing and promoting Digital ways of working in the Construction & Infrastructure Industry. Vision of CDCPIndia is to “Inspire and Collaborate with Construction Professionals across India to advance Digitally enabled Processes and Technologies in construction & Infrastructure sector”. CDCPIndia shall work in collaboration with several existing Institutions, Professional Bodies, Academia, Corporates and Government to Improve the Project Delivery & Asset Management Efficiency by use of Digital Technologies and Processes. CDCPIndia is a not-for-profit organization and has been registered as a Society under Society Registration Act*


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