Back to basics: A better view of BIM around the world

February 16, 2023

This is the fourth in a new series of blogs looking at the fundamentals of building information modelling and the role of the Global BIM Network.

When the Global BIM Network was established in March 2021, it set out to spark both thinking and action on transforming the global built environment. From small beginnings a significant global resource has grown. In this blog we look at how an initial snapshot view of BIM around the world has developed into the Network’s Information Collection and how this is providing a better view of BIM around the world.

A simple infographic with linked artefacts across various countries captures early foundational thinking about the Network. The infographic demonstrates the interplay between BIM processes and practices at three distinct levels: national, organizational, and project.

It encapsulates the Network’s approach to its work: that BIM is about much more than technical change. It underscores that an entire sector will only change when stakeholders act at each of these three levels.

The interactive infographic provides a preview of how sectoral change starts at the national level – in policy and regulatory environments, for example. This cascades down to the organizational level – at which organizations understand how developing their own BIM processes can help them achieve the outcomes they desire. Finally, comes implementation at the project level.

While the Network’s early work started with this snapshot, by working with its community the Network has developed a collective knowledgebase providing a much broader view. The resultant online Information Collection is a global knowledgebase of BIM resources with links to downloadable documents or official websites of governmental and non-governmental organizations.

The Information Collection is organized geographically and under four categories. These are: Public leadership; collaborative framework; communication and communities; and capability and capacity building. Users can also search by level, region, country, resource type and transformation state.

The Information Collection now contains over 400 artefacts from over 60 countries and continues to grow. It continues to enable stakeholders in the global built environment to gain a better view of BIM around the world.

You can access the Global BIM Network’s Information Collection here.

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