In 2015, the BIM Laboratory of Santa Catarina was created, known as LaBIM-SC, which was part of the BIM GOV SUL Network together with the states of Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul. LaBIM-SC was in charge of preparing case studies, with the aim of maximizing the potential gains with the use of the BIM methodology applied to projects, execution and inspection of works, as well as management and operation of assets.

The SC BIM Implementation and Implementation Guide  was prepared in 2022 and aims to cover public organizations in Santa Catarina, focusing on the bodies that make up the SC BIM Strategy Technical Committee. The purpose is to guide the implantation and implementation of the methodology in a clear and gradual way. In this way, good project management practices were adopted in order to map and mitigate possible problems in advance in a segmented manner by areas of knowledge, recommended by the PMBOK.

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In 2015, the BIM Laboratory of Santa Catarina was created, known as LaBIM-SC, which was part of the BIM GOV SUL Network together with the states of Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul. LaBIM-SC was in charge of preparing case studies, with the aim of maximizing the potential gains with the use of the BIM methodology applied to projects, execution and inspection of works, as well as management and operation of assets.

There are numerous initiatives within the scope of the Federal Government for the adoption of BIM in Brazil, one of them is the publication of Decree nº 9.983, in 2019, which established the National Strategy for the Dissemination of BIM. This action, in addition to structuring the adoption of BIM at the federal level, also fostered and encouraged the use of BIM in state projects and works.

In order to coordinate and structure BIM actions in Catarina, Decree No. 1,370 of 2021 was published, which establishes the State Strategy for the Implementation and Dissemination of BIM in Santa Catarina (BIM SC Strategy) and the Technical Committee of the BIM SC Strategy (CT-BIM SC), currently formed by eleven public entities. This document shares the BIM Roadmap as well as the 10 objectives of the strategy which include:

  1. Disseminate the BIM concept and its benefits
  2. Coordinate the structuring of the public sector for the adoption of BIM
  3. Promote organizational, cultural and process changes for the adoption of BIM
  4. Create conditions for the adoption of the BIM methodology throughout the construction life cycle
  5. Stimulate and promote training in BIM
  6. Propose regulatory acts that establish parameters for purchases and public contracts with the use of BIM
  7. Develop technical standards, guides and specific protocols for the adoption of BIM
  8. Develop the portal and BIM SC library
  9. Stimulate the development and application of new technologies related to BIM
  10. Encourage competition in the market through neutral standards of BIM interoperability

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This is the Dubai e-submission BIM Roadmap, published by the RTA

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BIM Alliance Nuevo León (Alianza BIM Nuevo León) is an initiative by the Secretariat of Infrastructure of the Government of the State of Nuevo León, Mexico. It seeks to form a working group where public and private institutions participate in the implementation of BIM within public and private works.

This Alliance is a national and international benchmark as an advocate of the implementation of BIM methodology, harnessed to carry out quality public works, efficiently and within budget. Its mission is to gradually, progressively and strategically integrate the BIM methodology in the planning, bidding, execution and operation processes of public works carried out in this federal state.

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Transport for New South Wales (NSW) leads the development of safe, integrated and efficient transport systems for the people of NSW. The citizens are the focus of everything that it does, including transport planning, strategy, policy, procurement and other non-service delivery functions across all modes of transport – roads, rail, ferries, light rail and point to point. Transport for NSW is committed to implementing best practice data and information management. BIM and Digital Engineering have been recognised by Transport for NSW as a key enabler to achieving this policy. By structuring data consistently, it can be readily used by all NSW stakeholders to make informed management decisions throughout a project’s lifecycle.

Transport for NSW is using its Digital Engineering Framework to connect emerging technologies with reliable structured data, while recognising that people and culture are key to success. The Framework is being developed to provide a consistent, holistic approach to Digital Engineering across the Transport’s cluster. This will enable a step change in productivity and provide long-term benefits to the industry.

The Framework focuses on five key areas to ensure a consistent approach to Digital Engineering, allowing projects to adopt this way of working simply and rapidly. These key areas are:

  • Digital Twin – the set of deliverables (models, documents and data) that represent the ‘digital asset’.
  • Procurement – a standard way of defining digital requirements for procurement.
  • Ways of Working – how Digital Engineering is implemented and used.
  • Technologies – the applications and tools that support new ways of working.
  • Skills and Resourcing – the resources and training to enhance skills so that Digital Engineering can be used effectively. 

The Framework provides the capability for Transport for NSW’s projects to enhance existing skills, process, technology and data standards.

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The Regional Government of Extremadura (Junta de Extremadura) has a road network of 3,738 kilometres in length, of which 153 correspond to dual carriageway roads. This network, supported by national or local networks, allows mobility and accessibility in the Extremaduran territory. This is necessary for the economic and social development of this autonomous community. It this therefore a priority to consolidate and maintain this regional network in the best possible way to ensure safety and comfort. BIM methodology has enormous potential to achieve this important goal.

This guide (Guía BIM de la dirección general de movilidad e infraestructuras viarias) was created to introduce and establish BIM procedures in the regional projects. It is a primary document that serves as a reference to implement BIM requirements in all its phases – the first guide developed for a road network. This document will be useful both for the personnel of the General Directorate of Mobility and Road Infrastructure (Dirección General de Movilidad e Infraestructuras  Viarias) and for professionals involved in planning, design, construction maintenance and operation of road networks.

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For two years, ETS (Euskal Trenbide Sarea), the public entity responsible for rail projects in the Basque country, has been in the process of implementing the BIM methodology. Among the lines of action of this process are:

  • Awareness for all the people of the entity and specific training when required.
  • Definition of the minimum requirements of the technical specifications of projects and works of ETS.
  • Elaboration of the main lines that will govern the modelling.
  • Development of pilot projects using the BIM methodology.

As a result of this commitment, the ETS BIM manual has been developed. It is intended for the different collaborating companies: service providers, contractors and subcontractors. The manual needs to be used in all phases of the action (design, construction and maintenance), with the aim of defining the framework for the production and delivery of BIM information in each phase of the project.

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The VDAS sets out the vital process for safeguarding the digital systems that will allow stakeholders to monitor and improve the creation and management of infrastructure assets in Victoria.

Part A provides insights and direction for heads of departments, executives and those entrusted by government to plan, deliver, operate and maintain assets. Part B details how to implement VDAS at an organisational level for asset owners, operators, project and portfolio managers. Part C is for parties engaged by the Victorian Government to deliver the full implementation of digital engineering on a project.

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The Digital Asset Policy provides clear digital requirements for Departments and Agencies to support the planning, design and construction of Victorian Government’s projects and assets. The Digital Asset Policy is founded on the Victorian Digital Asset Strategy (VDAS) released in March 2020 and supports the Government in delivering unprecedented levels of new infrastructure by uplifting the capability of Victorian Departments and Agencies. Implementing the Digital Asset Policy will improve project delivery efficiency, uplift design, and delivery capability, and provide greater data insight and analysis to continuously improve project performance.

The digital asset policy provides clear and consistent organisational and project requirements designed to optimise productivity, and be appropriate and proportional to a project’s value and risk context. The policy applies to all Victorian Government Departments, corporations, authorities, and other bodies under the Financial Management Act 1994. The policy is applicable to any asset investment proposal seeking budget funding and requiring the development of a business case, which is a mandatory requirement for capital investments with a Total Estimated Investment of $10 million or more.

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The Office of Projects Victoria (OPV) is delivering the Digital Build to make Victoria the digital innovation state and continue delivering the nation’s best infrastructure pipeline. The 2020-2021 Budget allocated $11 million to OPV over the next five years for the Digital Build program to implement the Victorian Digital Asset Strategy (VDAS) and increase the use of Offsite Construction.

The Digital Build program aims to improve the productivity of Victorian infrastructure projects by enhancing the scoping and pricing at early stages, by leveraging the best digital technologies for project management and reducing complexity in design.

The OPV Digital Build offers the most advanced policy, guidance, systems, and training in digital civil infrastructure project practice in Australia. The website contains a wealth of information about the current work and outputs, including the digital asset policy and the Victorian digital asset strategy (VDAS). Within this, a suite of resources has been developed to assist in understanding and applying the VDAS, while showing how digital engineering can be used to deliver value. The suite of VDAS resources include: VDAS dictionary, VDAS access to International Standards, VDAS Victorian Digital Engineering Education Map and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s).

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