BIM and ISO 19650 from a Project Management Perspective

European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Associations

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The publication of ISO 19650, an international quality standard governing the organisation and digitisation of information about buildings and civil engineering works, helps the client, project manager and contractor to agree on things, develop a shared understanding and exchange data more easily. Besides making the construction sector more competitive, BIM is driving innovation and sustainable growth while delivering improved infrastructure quality.

The European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Associations (EFCA) provided guidance to its members for introducing the ISO 19650 standard and highlighting its far-reaching benefits. For engineers, BIM under the ISO 19650 concepts represents unprecedented opportunities for improving their added value during the construction process.

The BIM Booklet addresses the new ISO 19650 standards and their relevance to consulting engineers. It describes the beneficial outcomes of using them within the BIM approach, and from a project management perspective. It highlights the benefits of lowering risk and reducing financial losses, which are possible where reliable project information is available in a structured, re-usable form and where it is efficiently shared. It illustrates how, by managing the ownership and liability of project data, project managers can stay in control during the whole lifecycle of assets, including operations and maintenance, experiencing less contradiction or misinterpretation of data. It supports Part 1 and Part 2 of ISO 19650, which relate to concepts and principles. EFCA believes it is important to get a better grasp on the new ways of working together and adopt a more digital approach, thereby speaking the same language. The Booklet will help all stakeholders optimise their use of the ISO 19650 standard.

Read the Guidance

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